Monday, November 26, 2007

Didn't write yesterday?

Can't believe I did not give a report on Saturday. It was a good day in Westerly RI. Home Depot with sister #4 working on kitchen remodeling details then lunch by the Pawcatuck River and a walk around "downtown" Westerly. Great day. Also stopped in Old Lyme for church on the way home.

Checked JamesOn's progress in the D-League and have to check and see if UCONN kept its lead over the Duke women.

Yesterday I had a very slow start. Then headed out for a walk to our local shopping center to see how the crowds looked. Looking at things differently now that I am on the economic development committee. I wandered for a couple of hours. It was a beautiful day. Warm (relatively) winter day.

Great Q&A show last night with Nicholas Negroponte. sounds like a great project.

Please make sure you go onto and take your Presidential quiz.

Much meatier weekend than this posting indicates. Oh well.

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