Sunday, November 11, 2007

Getting ready to go count money

at church. I would have loved to stay in bed this a.m...oh well. Yesterday worked perfectly - thanks to my 85 yr old mother. Is is embarrassing to admit, but between work and the lecture, I swung by the parents and dropped off their anniversary card (58 year anniversary on Monday) AND my wash. How pitiful is that??? (No answer really wanted.) But it did make the day go well - I got my work done, my wash done, lecture and tour of the Old State House, walk to Roscoe's a great hotdog place in Hartford, walk back to the Hartford Public Library where I parked my car, back to the parents to pick up my CLEAN clothes, Walgren's for a few items, then home to clean house and some evening C-SPAN before I called it a night.

Today is an unknown after church and money counting. Niece #1 was supposed to arrive at my parents last night. Not sure what her schedule is, but if I don't see her today - my brother is planning a lasagna dinner at the parents on Monday night to celebrate their anniversary. We will see what develops. What I really need is a good walk - other than that I am flexible. I do need to go by the grocery store and the Hallmark store. This is their big ornament sale weekend and I like to take advantage. I need to send a couple south to North Carolina since I won't be physically showing up.

Big Open House Day tomorrow at work. Tonight I do want to watch Q&A - will miss my talking heads today but hope to keep Q&A on the schedule. "November 11, 2007
David Kennedy, Stanford University, History Professor"

Have a good Sunday.

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