Monday, November 12, 2007

"Some got done, some did not" Sunday

Got to church, counted the money, walked, went grocery shopping - but the ornament shopping and I checked my bag that I take back and forth to work with me and found a flyer to find out I missed a big competition at U of H. The timing would have been perfect, but I forgot to review my day Sunday morning. Oh well. I did watch some good C-SPAN after I did my errands but I could have gotten a couple of more things in if I had been on task.

Niece #2 headed to Sister #5 and her daughter, niece #4. I don't know if she will still be there when I get there tonight after work for parents' 58th wedding anniversary party with my brother, his wife, and niece #3. I am in charge of salad and bread - I will be hitting Bertucci's on my way in. I will be going full out all day with the Open House today from 7:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.

I am sad that the Giants lost yesterday. Have not checked my other sports except I did see the end of the NASCAR race - my #20 came in 4th. I had not seen him since he let his hair grown longer. UCONN women pummelled their opponent. Found out that my friend's daughter got coach of the year in her Div 1 conference for field hockey. HUGE deal. Need to check Chicago Bulls, Green Bay and St Louis scores.

Listened to bits and pieces of the Miami Book Fair International over the weekend - Tom Hayden gave good advice about picking out the presidential candidate to vote for - electable or not. He might have assisted me in picking the candidate I need to work for over the next year.

Dinner tonight, EDA meeting tomorrow, Project Concern anniversary event on Wed p.m. at the Hartford Public Library - I remember the first family from Hartford who took advantage of the school in the suburbs option in Canton in 1966.

Cold is becoming an issue in my "set the heat at 50 degrees" apartment. I wear my hooded sweatshirt to bed, I never took my coat off after I came in from doing errands until I took my hot bath. But it is not a bad thing. I know it helps my sleep not having the heat going. We will see how the winter goes.

Have a good Monday.

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