Friday, November 09, 2007

Long Day, good dance class

Great dance class, but work before and after was long. I hate it that I love what I do so much. I have a tendency to overwork when given the opportunity. More people coming on Monday for the Open House - they just keep calling and asking. It is nice to be popular. Did not go to U of H. I knew I would be too fidgety thinking about what I could be addressing at work. I finally left the office about 9:30 p.m. Not a good habit, but I got a lot done and "set the table" for a good day today. It was a good omen when my first school service student came in and said "do you mind if my friend works with me this a.m.?"!!! That "set the table" for my feeling good about being able to get everything done.

We did some "ensemble" work with our dance class - having to hit marks etc. on the stage...very funny, but kept me focused as I did not want to be the one messing up the "piece".

I don't know yet if I will need to go in tomorrow. We will see how today goes. Not bad news if I do. The other thing about working more is as the weather gets colder - they heat my office...unlike what I do for my home.

Got an email yesterday and the friend whose husband died a couple of weeks ago, asked if a friend and I would meet her for dinner tonight. I had hoped to get home early for the NewsHour and Washington Week, but this is a bigger mission. I can catch up on the news I missed over the weekend. Have to count money at church on Sunday, so that will hinder my talking head watching. All I know is that my CISCO stocks are getting pummelled. Oh well.

What a week. Have a great weekend.

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