Thursday, November 08, 2007

Thursday - getting close to our next Open House...

Heading out a bit early today, stayed a bit late last night. But I did squeeze in a quick pizza place trip to see my sister and her team. I also went to the 50+ Peace Corps meeting. Always good to have that in the back of my mind as a distinct possibility to do it again. Talked to sister #3 and niece #2. Sounds like niece #2 is headed to my - and her mother's - alma mater. We will see. Also spoke with my old college roommate. She heard an author on morning radio who is doing a talk on Saturday and wanted me to research it to see if it was worth going to. I emailed her info last night, so we will see what she thinks.

Today - lots of open house preparation and I hope to address a couple of big mailings I have with the help of our student service students. My old boss is the administrator on duty, so using the Saturday detention girls does not look like an option - I would rather work through it on my own than have to deal with the strings that would be attached (mentally for me) to ask for her assistance. Just unfortunate that she is on duty the weekend before the biggest admissions open house ever...again, it is a mental over physical barrier for me - and I can live with the consequences of it.

Heading out as we speak. Tonight is dance class and U of H guitar recital. Tomorrow nothing - and that is good news. Don't know how peppy my dance steps are going to be tonight...

Made an appointment to get my hair trimmed on Tuesday night before my EDA meeting. I am growing it out, so it needs a bit of shaping during what is always awkward getting long process.

Have a good Thursday.

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