Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Look back - to see things are pretty much the same

from this day last year...I felt the need to look back to look at what I wrote this date last year. It was the night before I got introduced to the faculty meeting and the old head of school announced her resignation. Lots of change in the last year, but it seems like I was getting a haircut at this time last year; I just sent in my car insurance renewal; and I was taken with C-SPAN. I wrote the following after book club/MLK memorial dedication show on TV.

''If he were here, he would remind us that the time to do right remains,'' Clinton said - from the NY Times article about the groundbreaking ceremony in DC today. Clinton, Winfrey, Angelou, Smiley, Obama to great fanfare and President Bush politely tolerated. It was interesting to come home after book club tonight after discussing our book "A Thousand White Women" about the fictional story of the US government setting up a program of trading white women for horses with the Cheyenne nation in an effort to "bring the Indian population around" to the right/white way. And after all the discussion that brought about, to come home to the line up listed above.

And then I think about what it must have been like for Chris Murphy on his day in Washington for his congressional orientation. I can't even imagine the exhilaration he must have felt. But it also moved me to email the lady who got me involved in the campaign to thank her for reminding me that inspired people can make a difference. I also shared with her that Mr. Murphy would not have been in DC today without people like her.

God has already told us what to do. MLK did what God required. This man gave his life serving others. Each generation is beckoned anew to do what is right. To paraphrase some of what Obama shared. And "Our Father was a King" as shared by his daughter.

Hard to shift back to my life on its small scale. But I try to walk my walk and talk my talk - but it helps to be reminded that I cannot become complacent or lazy about what is important in this life. But I also need a haircut. I also need to get my car insurance renewed. I also need to think about whether I am eating, exercising, working in the right proportion. I am all over the studies that we use just a small percentage of our brainpower. I am all over the thought that people do not get the most from their own energy. I will try to ratchet it up a bit tomorrow and the next day..."do not get weary" as shared by another of King's daughters.

I am glad my $11/month cable plan includes CSPAN. I hate to be beholding to my cable service, but tonight I am.

What a day. I still love my job. I pretty much love my life - which I am sure is completely baffling to people looking in from the outside. I am still trying to get my inner smile out...I will let you know when it makes it debut."

To fast forward to today - Good open house yesterday at school. Full day followed by dinner with the folks, brother, SIL, and niece #3. Niece #2 had already headed back to NYC. Bertucci's came through with my salad/bread contribution. Got home in time to watch DWTS's - an advantage of a 58th anniversary party - it gets over early...

Feeling a bit worn out today. Do have haircut and EDA meeting tonight. Hope I can get my walk in. Did not yesterday. Good friend's birthday today. I just emailed her. Hope my card got there in time.

Have a good Tuesday.

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