Thursday, November 15, 2007

Sheff v O'Neill night

Fought with myself as to stay at work, go home to rest, go to Hartford Public Library for the "Forty Years of Project Concern and Project Choice" presentation - I picked Hartford. I did miss a town meeting about a new commercial development in town which I should have gone to for my economic development life...I have to get my life plan smoothed out over this weekend and next. I also need to start taking some time off from work.

Yesterday all the teachers and students went on the all school Art Trip so it was a quiet day to get work done. I addressed all the Open House aftermath. Today I am losing the afternoon. Interview of a candidate for new Director of Admissions (a new boss for me) and then I have to take minutes for the Communications Committee because the person who would be doing it is also the field hockey coach and we are in the New Englands. We all multi task in the school setting.

I enjoyed the presentation last night and it made me get back in touch with my need to expand my daily activities. But saying that, I am off to get ready for work. Have a good Thursday.

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