Friday, November 16, 2007

Not feeling too chipper today

Went ahead and took next Tuesday off, and the following Tuesday and Wednesday. I am hoping that this weekend will be recuperative as to the cold I am fighting off and losing.

I was not on fire about the candidate for the position of my new boss...but we were seeing her at the end of a long, rainy, cold day of talking and walking around campus so I might have to temper my response. The marketing meeting was hard to sit through, but the two faculty members on the committee save it for me. They represent what is good on campus. I am hoping one will apply for the position of my new boss. He mentioned that he was interested, but that is the last I have heard about that option.

This weekend I will stay put and clean up my EDA notebook and get all my minutes in order and set a plan for activity to carry my weight on that committee.

I don't use my checkbook much anymore, but pulled it out to pay the haircut lady and I saw a fortune cookie slip that I had scotch taped to the check holder - "One dreamed of becoming somebody. Another remained awake and became." I need to work on the awake part - awake to stuff other than work.

As to sports - JamesOn has been assigned to the D-league team in Iowa; Barry Bonds indited; A-Rod drama over to the tune of almost 300 million dollars - what a nutty world; St Louis is winning - I need to check and see if UCONN and UNC basketball are staying competitive in their records. Haven't heard much about DUKE basketball. Maybe I will take some time to get up to speed this weekend.

Sister #4 is contacting the cousin hostess for our Thanksgiving. I hope I get a paper goods type assignment.

Happy Friday!!! I needed this week to end.

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