Monday, January 07, 2008

The beginning of a whole week

This is going to be rough after the last few weeks - 5 day work week, the students are back BUT the good news is the dining hall is back open! No more peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for me! More good news is the mild weather! Feels like a good week to me.

Spent a few hours at work yesterday. My boss came in while her kids were at Hebrew School. She is not a church go-er, so her husband sets the religious training but they celebrate Christian and Jewish holidays with mixed families. It was good to have her there - let me get deeper in some of my projects because I could ask my questions instead of waiting until today.

Also had an email asking me if I wanted to join the Democratic Town Caucus. Unfortunately the next meeting is the same night as my book club, so that won't work - but I told her to keep me posted. The "her" is a woman who is a contemporary of my parents and has been active in the town's Democratic party since the 50's...guess they do need some new blood. Told her that I would be interested in getting involved with local Obama efforts and of course Chris Murphy's re-election efforts.

Had a couple of good walks - one around school, and another around my neighborhood - on a route I don't usually walk. Interesting house for sale and house for rent on that route. But I was also going to bring up the concept of moving to campus again beginning this summer. Have to think about that some more.

Great result with the Giants. Next game should be more interesting! Back to Big D. I think I wanted the Titans to win the second game, the old Houston Oiler tie still comes through in Tennessee.

Q&A was good as usual - Made me question my parenting approach, but I did the best I could at the time.

Economic Development Agency meeting on Tuesday, Open House at school on Saturday, counting money at church on Sunday - so I guess I need to say REALLY a whole week of work ahead!

Trade show in Las Vegas information troubles me. More ways not to connect on a human level with other people.

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