Sunday, January 06, 2008

Seahawks and Jaguars

Didn't care about the early game, but the second game was the "right" result. As to the first game, it was interesting as it will mean Mike Holmgren will be heading back to Green Bay for their next game. We will see how "his" quarterback holds up against "the" quarterback.

I tried to watch the debates on ABC last night when I got home, but too much yelling and shouting and I think all the candidates need a good night's sleep. Not a pretty picture. I will see what some of the pundits have to say this a.m. before I head to the office. Did not stay around long after church yesterday so I want to do a bit more organizing before the girls get back tomorrow.

Shopping trip was interesting yesterday. For my mother a field trip without my father is a VERY rare experience. With no driver's license and trouble walking any distance, she is tied to his timing and destinations. LL Bean and Appleseed's were the stores mother and sister #4 wanted to hit. 30 minute wait to pay at LL sister decided she would go home to order on line since she confirmed the size question she had in her mind. At Appleseed's it was 50% off the sale price so things with an original price of $88 were had for $15 or $20 - sad for those people who bought them on the first round, if anyone does that. Tried to have lunch at Johnny Rocket's but too much of a wait there too. So we did Friendly's - mother had not been there for 20+ years. Hadn't changed much and sister #4 ate mother's "happy ending sundae" that came with mother's "Over 60" menu item.

After shopping, the timing was right for walk, church and a bit of work. I did have to stop at Blockbuster. One of the cousins got a call saying the movie they rented over Christmas was not returned, but I was the one who volunteered to return it!!! Let's just say that the debate was over after I "shared" my information with them.

My thought was to sit in this morning and listen to my talking heads' shows, but I think my time will be better spent getting organized at work. We will see where my energy is in an hour or so. Think I will pass on the JUNO movie - the more I read about it.

Got a call from sister #5 last night as she drove her kids (she works at a private school and has to participate in driving students to malls, etc. on weekends) around. She wanted to report that her ex-husband who left her for a new lifestyle, was jilted by his boyfriend. Bad news for the ex-husband, good news for their daughter who was not crazy about the new housemate. You can't make our family stuff up!

Only interested in one game today - Chuckie's team versus the Giants. And of course, Q&A.

Have a good Sunday.

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