Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

Didn't miss my "rabbit, rabbit, rabbit" mantra this morning. At least that got done so the month and the year can begin.

Yesterday was a good day. I worked, walked, ate dumplings and an eggroll, went to church, watched the NewsHour, CSPAN Election coverage and went to bed. What would have been my third book to read over the holiday week did not grab me, so I called it a New Year's Eve at 9 p.m.

I was intrigued by my fortune cookie fortune: "It's high time for one of your most promising ideas." And on the back side my Chinese vocabulary word - boyfriend and some lucky numbers. I may use that piece of paper as my guide document for the year. Maybe that is simplifying things a bit much, but...

today's cosmic guidance: "January 1, 2008 -- As 2008 begins your head is most likely full of new ideas, ideas that you hope can transform your existence. Maybe they will, but do you really need them when so many of your old ideas have yet to be tested? You don't have to start again from scratch. Build on what has already been accomplished."

I was kicking myself when I walked by the restaurant at the end of my street on my way to church last night, I missed hearing Chris Fenn on Saturday night. I graduated with his sister from high school and Chris graduated with sister #3. I need to keep my eye on the chalkboard outside the restaurant to see if he is coming back.

I wanted to share a passage from Sunday's Q&A with you, but the transcript is not posted yet. The guest is a "biographer" expert and spoke about how biographers have to be full of themselves because they have to think that they can really capture the life of another person. He said they have a gift of being able to "put a shape to someone else's life" - people have trouble doing that to their own life. I am thinking that is what I need - a biographer to put a shape on my life. But I also had to share with myself that - to date - I have not been willing to do the work. He shared that a biographer has to be ready to devote the 6-7 years needed to finish the project. I hope I have not misrepresented his words, but I think you can get the idea. I am lazy...and can't give my life its shape. And there is not one (or just one who did not) person on Q&A who has not inspired me this year.

I hope you all had a great New Year! It is always a great way to recharge my batteries.

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