Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Course correction

Talked to my son yesterday - I am thinking this rotary phone picture is what he feels his technology level currently is.  I am thinking he communicates with most via social media or WhatApp or the like, but with me and his temp phone - I have to call him.  We will see if that hits my bill this month...  Based on everything - he has decided to move from Lindos to Barcelona to NYC to home.  NYC for his birthday.  He just can't really do what he needs to do - he is traveling not vacationing is - a concept he has trouble getting across to people - to keep up with all the balls he has in the air electronically.  So onward and homeward.  Good to hear his voice.  Father has been in his house at home and helping with somethings on his computer.  Has a new phone waiting for him (nice that his father worked for ATT all those years).  And it will be Spring not Winter when he gets back so the energy will be higher when he gets home.  So instead of 3 months it will be 1.5 months.  And he has seen a lot for sure.  

Yesterday after my call with son, family friend texted to see if she and her grandson could join me for part of my walk.  Sure!  So I changed up my route a bit and had company for part of my 3 hours wander.   Stopped at the library - no hard copies of the W&T book available.  I tried downloading the audio book on Hoopla...I don't know how people listen to books.  Shut that down and instead listened to an interview with the author from the Boston NPR station.  That will have to do as my prep for Saturday's walk and talk.  

I called to check on sister #6.  She is on school break this week.  She reported out that she fell off her treadmill...falling is an issue for her.  Not a good way to start her vacay.  She said on Sunday night she was going to "double up on her sleep medication" because of the pain...I called to make sure she was awake.  :)  She was.  

Today - Shoprite, walk, CA DC at 1 p.m., Iowa at 7 p.m. Listening to Rich Roll and Prof Galloway as we speak.  

Fears you thought had been conquered will resurface today and this time you must face up to them properly and get past them once and for all. The way to do that is to look inside yourself for answers rather than outside to the world at large.

Open yourself to new connections as the moon continues its journey through Leo, dear Libra, putting you in the mood to expand socially. You'll feel more in tune with those you encounter, making it easier to bond over similar interests or philosophies. Much comfort can be found when aligning with those who hold similar views, especially when there are opportunities to volunteer or make a difference. You'll also have a chance to stand out amongst the crowds, as the stars help you establish a strong sense of self within the community, so don't be afraid to shine!

You're eager and optimistic today, Libra, which works well with your strong, capable nature. You're likely to find that things begin to click into place at work. Something that has been troubling you for some time suddenly becomes clear. What was once a stumbling block is now a mere bump in the road and easily overcome. All indications are that you'll be successful at whatever you do now, so dare to dream big.

Seems like something will become clear to me today...Keep a good thought that I "get it".  :)  Have a good Tuesday.  

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