Thursday, April 25, 2024

Full Moon is back in my view

"May you walk calmly and peacefully into your week. ☮️"  Saw this in a Linked in post by a contact of sister #1.  Good start to my day added to waking up to find pics from son.  Pics still from Europe.  Looks like he is in NYC as we speak.  It is his birthday so I will be sending him an email this a.m.  

9:30 am walk with former co worker, then babysitting this afternoon if family friend's haircut is still on her schedule.  No update yesterday as to how her husband is feeling.  I will never know how it feels, but I can't imagine how it must feel to like the person you marry OR what it must feel like when you have been together for 40+ years still liking each other and finding deep feeling being part of each other's every day...  It must be an incredible feeling and one that people must be horribly sad about not having last forever.  

Yesterday - cleaned apt, walked, noon EOLD discussion.  Keep putting my thoughts to May 1 and getting in gear to have a spurt of activity around the apartment and in my mind.  My thinking has been a bit limited in scope...  I have to smile when I think about having to add peanut butter and crackers the other day AND a full blown peanut butter sandwich yesterday to my food intake.  Something felt lacking.  Found this on the world wide internet:  "You might find yourself reaching for a jar of peanut butter if you're feeling anxious, stressed out, or depressed, in an attempt to reduce those feelings. There may also be an underlying nutritional deficiency, you're trying to fill. Peanut butter contains many nutrients, including: unsaturated fat. protein"  "Not enough fat, not enough protein, not enough calories, stress"...oh that world wide internet.  I will see where I sit at my second meal today and what I am craving.  :)

Life is not a zero sum game and others don’t have to lose so that you can win. The message of the stars today is that if you make a conscious decision to work with people, rather than against them, everyone will benefit financially, and emotionally too.

This could be a frustrating day in the romance department, Libra. Communication is blocked at all levels. You're anxious to speak with your loved one, but simply can't reach him or her. Perhaps the phone system is malfunctioning or email is acting up. You feel as though the Universe is conspiring against you. Take heart. Your partner will contact you soon enough, and your reunion will be electric!

Invest your time, energy, and resources wisely this morning, dearest Libra, as the Scorpio moon opposes Jupiter and Uranus. The wheel of fortune spins under this cosmic climate, bringing forth unpredictable growth and opportunities to prosper. If you've been struggling with romantic issues since Mercury retrograde began on April 1, you can breathe a sigh of relief as the planet of communication stations direct. A motivational, grounding, and dreamy energy takes hold this afternoon when Mars and Neptune stir, prompting you to embrace your best life. Your social skills benefit from a cosmic boost once Luna enters Sagittarius this evening.

Communication block I will tie to hearing from my son.  Luckily I can tell he landed in the US from a shared credit card we have...I am staying away from his international phone because of the charges...I will breath a sigh of relief as the planet of communication stations direct.  :)  Peanut butter and Mercury "un" retrograding.  I am a silly gal.  Have a good Thursday.  

PS:  "Funny" that today I found this on my son's youtube channel...FINALTRIP  I had forgotten how many rainbows followed us on our trip.  :)

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