Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Full Moon

Big sky of light last night and this a.m. with the full moon.  For someone who does not draw blinds or any curtains in any window - full moon events are very noticeable.  :)  Listening to Prof G weekly as we speak.  Daily Stoic with Haidt up next.  

Great ZEN last night.  Host brought up an exhibit at the SF Museum which I sent to my niece who lives in the area.  I will hope she goes and reports out to me.  Also someone in Colorado mentioned a group she is involved with - Partnership for Age-Friendly Communities.    Solo-aging seems to be "a thing" right now.  I sure get that.  

Still no word from son as to where he is in his journey back from Europe.  Had a great call from brother yesterday a.m.  Texted both his daughters later in the day.  One to say my heart is with her and her family.  I have no idea what she is going through these days with her son and his spectrum journey.  Texted her sister saying I wish I could have seen what she and her mom saw this past weekend on their trip to Asheville.  My day was an extend-do walk yesterday.  Worked on my grocery list for today.  Saw that Scheffler won again.  :)  

Today - Shoprite, walk, CA DC, washing clothes and dishes.  I did some research for new sneakers.  Getting ready to bust through current pair...  Also added an item to my daily eating - a couple of peanut butter cracker "sandwiches".  Not sure if that urge was based on running out of cereal and switching to oatmeal.  :)  Also this a.m. I added one more tablespoon of coffee into the mix this a.m.  Not sure where that came from...  Oh well.   

Today’s full moon takes place in the money area of your chart, so be smart and count every cent that goes out and every cent that comes in. Just because you have some cash in your pocket does not mean you can act as if you are rich.

Difficult as it may be for you to face all those projects you've left undone, Libra, know that you'll be free to move on once they're complete. People from your past figure prominently now. Perhaps they come forward to repay an old debt or possibly claim repayment from you. Don't abandon your dreams. Once you've cleared a path for them, they're more likely to come true.

The moon takes its final steps through your sign this morning, dear Libra, making the perfect excuse to take a few quiet moments for yourself. You'll sense a shift once Luna enters Scorpio, putting you in tune with your surroundings while heightening your sense of gratitude. Unfortunately, tension rolls in this afternoon when Pluto becomes agitated, and insecurities could lead to unforeseen ego clashes. Do your best to stay centered by keeping a clear view of your surroundings while indulging the senses. The full moon rises this evening, putting the focus on your finances and nudging you to cultivate stable foundations.

"Rich acting"...not my MO.  I will stay my usual course as to watching every dime that comes in and out.  It is all consuming at times.  I am waiting for May 1st on many levels right now.  :)

Have a good Tuesday.  

PS:  Had to smile when this came up as the opening line of Daily Stoic.  :)  Why Do It Alone?

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