Monday, April 22, 2024

Interesting day

I reached out to sister #1's house guest on her last week in the US for this year's visit and she sent me back pics of dinner at her home place where sister #1 was present.  Another "small world" aspect to my knowing her.  Sent it to sisters #4,6 and brother.  

That and the PGA match got my attention yesterday.  Golf will restart up this a.m. with my favorite in the lead.  Walk to Unionville.  ZEN tonight.  

Daily Stoic for today about "You Can't Get Even" - "They were accepting, in a way, the impotence of us fragile humans. Stuff happens to us. People do cruel things to each other. You can’t get even in a world like that. You’ll never beat them at that game—there are too many of them and they are worse than you can imagine."  I don't have a "they" or "them" - I ponder the why and how I disable my ability to connect to people, places and things...nature or nurture. 

Today, walk and ZEN.  Reading Einstein.  Amazing how Musk, Jobs, Einstein had common personality traits.  Greatness and shortfalls.  Nothing is perfect.  :)

Compromise is a must over the next few days. It does not matter how convinced you may be that you are right and your rivals are wrong, the planets insist you look for solutions that everyone can agree on. You will benefit more in the long-term.

The moon continues its journey through your sign, sweet Libra, though a series of harsh aspects could put you in a funk. Try not to let the past haunt you when Luna opposes the North Node and Mercury retrograde, lest you cut yourself off from new opportunities. You'll feel particularly sensitive to the opinions of others when Chiron becomes agitated this afternoon, and it may be wise to keep a tight circle of encouraging companions. Lean into love this evening when Venus stirs, investing in relationships that lift you up, especially if you've been struggling to support yourself emotionally or mentally.

This isn't the best day for get-togethers, Libra. What starts as a friendly lunch could wind up a gossip-fest. No one wins in that situation. You could fear leaving the table because of what they'd say about you. There's no upside to the situation, so your best strategy might be to stay home and work on chores. At least you'll have the satisfaction of feeling that you've accomplished something.

Wild week in the skies this week.  Have a good Monday.  

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