Thursday, July 11, 2024

People - interesting day

A worlds collide moment on my walk with family friend in a.m. yesterday.  Her MIL ends up having been a co worker to sister #3's romantic interest in high school.  We had to laugh at that connection.  Great pic from my yearbook.  I had no memory of the teacher/romantic interest but I guess she was in the building my last year of high school.

TX friend at her sister's on Cape.  I feel better now that her testing positive has thrown things into a new dimension.  Suffering her wrath at my response to her news, was smoothed out when she texted and told me she tested positive Wed morning - I called her back - I was not going to get into the text back and forth.  She did have to report out to her daughter/SIL, and a friend she had pick her up at the airport and go out for a drink and then drop her at the rental car place.  Not sure how he is going to explain that exposure to his wife.  :)  Life.  So that was a huge sigh of relief to walk back how our last call ended.  

Family friend and I both had angst as we started our walk.  Me and my COVID/company/social events but she put me in my place.  Her best friend from high school found out that her son had died on Tuesday night out in California.  41 years old.  Same age as my son.  

From Daily Stoic this a.m.: We will not always win in life, but we will never win without an ability to face loss, without the courage to proceed anyway. Be not afraid. Be brave.

So yesterday - walk, EOLD with an incredible lady speaking about her work in Detroit churches, swim, went with sister #1 and gentleman caller to see a high school friend and his wife.  Then aqua fitness.  

Calls from Mary #4. She checks in to her airbnb on Friday and will stay until Sunday.  Son - great conversation.  The market is driving him nuts but he is not alone.  :)

Today - walk, CT DC, swim.  Will see what sister #1 is doing later.  If the heat keeps up I do not think they will want to go to the town concert.  Sitting out in the heat...don't think it will be a draw.  We will see.  

Do whatever it takes (within reason) to stay on the good side of people in positions of authority. If you show willing and make more of an effort than your colleagues they will make a note of it and maybe even promote you in the near future.

Be a little braver than usual today, Libra. Take some risks and show others that you have the strength to accomplish anything. There is a lively, anxious feeling to the day that could make you restless. This energy is encouraging you to get up and get going. Initiate something rather than wait for someone else to take the lead. Don't be afraid to fail. You'll never succeed if you don't try.

Motivation sprouts from deep within as the Virgo moon aligns with Mars this morning, dearest Libra, helping you make major strides on the path ahead. Expect to see more social invitations throughout the coming weeks once Venus debuts into Leo and the sector of your chart that governs community. You'll have a chance to make clean breaks from that which does not serve you when Uranus activates this afternoon, inspiring you to change up your cycles. Spend some time relieving stress when Luna opposes Neptune this evening. You'll need all the energy you can muster once the moon enters your sign tonight, amplifying your popularity and desire to chase personal goals.

Glad to hear about amplified popularity and desire to chase personal goals. Have a good Thursday.  Hope they throw some ice cubes into the town pool.  :)


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