Friday, July 12, 2024

Not sure what the picture of yesterday should be :)

Might as well start with Barkley.  I thought it was imminent, but now that I am looking for the story behind the will be another season.  It reminds me of my thoughts in 1995 of men I might interact with post divorce - work on Barkley's campaign if he did run for Governor of Alabama which he talked about it, Kenny Mayne, Rick Majerus...  Majerus died in 2012.  Mayne got married in 1995.  Interesting trio when I was trying to distract myself with "shiny objects".   )

But back to present.  Met up with sister #1 and gentleman caller on their morning walk.  Then left them at LaSalle for breakfast and went on my regular walk.  9:30 a.m.-noon.  Ran into a friend of sister #4, husband of a family friend so there was some chatting along with the walking.  Then 2 p.m. CT DC.  Small group but a moving story about dealing with an aging parent.  I do keep thinking that the post baby boomer generation will see that changes need to be made.  Then to the pool.  Then sister #1 picked me up and we went to the band concert at town park.  Town has them every Thursday during the summer - for years.  I had not gone to one before except one night when I was in the pool and the band started up and I just stayed in the pool and listened as I paddled.  

Today walk, pool, wait for sister #4.  Sister #1 will be off to the kick off event for the reunion weekend.  We will see what the weather offers up as to what sister #4 and I do later.  One of the events for tomorrow is a class pic by the old high school by the tree sister #1's class planted at their 50th reunion.  We will see if rain allows that.  

Listening to All-In as we speak.  BG2 new episode. Watched Prof G with Scaramucci yesterday.  Need to reach out to  Referral from Betty's Brigade.  

Can wishes come true? They can if you believe in them enough and if you are prepared to back up your dreams with hard work. Some people say Librans are too lazy to fulfil their potential but you will prove them wrong today and over the weekend.

Frenemies could be in your midst as Venus and Pluto face off, Libra, and it would be wise to protect your energy around anyone who might harbor ulterior motives. Now may also be a good time to scrub your social media pages of any old posts that don't reflect who you are today, especially if you've gone through drastic changes recently. Meanwhile, the moon continues to move through your sign, aligning with the Nodes of Fate this afternoon. Use this energy to remember who you are while making room for others within your heart. Luck and spirituality go hand in hand when Jupiter activates this evening, so be sure to visualize important goals.

Paperwork involving financial transactions may need to be handled today, Libra, but it won't be as tedious as you think. Whatever information is required is easily obtained. Most of what is presented to you should be clear and understandable, and the people involved helpful. It's important that you do get this done. If you wait, it might not go as smoothly.

"Lose" control of my days for much of Saturday and Sunday.  3rd week of the month is upcoming so I have Monday PA DC and Ohio DC, CA DC and Iowa DC on Tuesday, Wednesday noon EOLD, 2 p.m. head over to Sacred Journey lady late afternoon, aqua fitness in evening, Saturday Ann Arbor DC in a.m., LA CA DC in evening.  Thursday NY DC  We will see if TX friend un-isolates before she flies out Thursday.  Want to check in with Joyce on Wednesday to see what energy I am giving off.  Sounds woo woo but she is a good "reader" of me. :)   

And I could not have a better next Monday - massage in afternoon, ZEN DC.  I think I will have lots to sift through after the previous 2 weeks.  

Have a good Friday.  

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