Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Task day today

I am checking in tomorrow with Sacred Journey.  :)  Might sound like "hoo-ey" to many but this particular person "sees" something when she speaks to people - in my eyes at least.  :)  

Yesterday - walked up to her airbnb to say goodbye to sister #1 and gentleman caller.  They were off to my landlord's for breakfast.  Back to no company in town.  It was an interesting few days.  Then I went for my walk.  Pool.  PA DC and then discovered that the OH DC had been moved to next Monday.  So I read some and called it a day.  

Today - I am moving forward on the process of getting stuff moved out to my son's.  Shoprite. Walk. CA DC. Pool. IOWA DC.  And in between I need to working on the packing of the 6 storage bins/boxes I have on my shipping order to son's. His stuff has made lots of moves with me over the years and I did not think it made sense for him to buy furniture for his downstairs unit that I had here and hardly use. :)  Chores - clothes and dishes washing.  Discover if TX friend will or will not stay here Wednesday night before she takes off for home on Thursday.

By all means express yourself loudly and forcefully today but don’t be surprised if you get some pushback from people who don’t like to be told what they should be doing. Never mind, it’s their loss if they refuse to take your criticism on board.

The Cancer sun and Scorpio moon form a supportive connection to give you an edge professionally, dearest Libra, helping you inch closer to occupational and financial success. Don't hesitate to take charge around the office, but keep an eye out for competition and power struggles when Mars and Uranus become agitated this afternoon, bringing an unpredictable energy to the table. Treat your body to some extra nurturing when Neptune stirs this afternoon to promote wellness. Your wits sharpen tonight when Luna enters Sagittarius and aspects Pluto, marking the perfect time to work on creative projects or seek new knowledge.

New opportunities, perhaps involving writing or speaking, could appear on the horizon along with the current planetary energy, Libra. You aren't one to take risks on the spur of the moment, so you might want to take all the information into consideration before committing to anything. It isn't a good idea to wait too long. Things could change! If what you hear appeals to you, look into it so you don't miss the boat.

I really can't get my head around all the news of the day.  I am keeping to my own thoughts.  :)  Have a good Tuesday.  

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