Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Another day of input...stops and starts :)

Sounded like a good idea on paper...but then it didn't.  :)  Furniture to son is being put to the side.  Numbers kept going up.  So son and I spoke last night and everything will stay where it is for now.  

Yesterday - Shoprite, walk, chores, CA DC, swim, IOWA DC.  $14/$7 day at Shoprite.  Stocked up before for potential company and no company ended up staying at my apt so needs were low.  I also see the amount of food I am moved to eat has fallen off a bit with the heat.  Change in weather due tonight.  Today cleaning apt.  "Events" - morning walk with family friend, 2 p.m. appt with Joyce, swim, swim class tonight is weather dependent.  

Spoke to TX friend.  We will meet for lunch on Thursday and then I will drop her at airport.  So walk, lunch, pool, NY DC.  Friday no external influences.  :)

PD buddy and lady friend had a bike accident...I know how much you appreciate hospital care! Lots of road rash and a few stitches in my elbow. She didn’t fair as well. Lots of road rash, some pretty bad cuts to her face, concussion, broken collarbone, and injured hip (not broken) Will be laying low tonight.  Yikes.  That report hurt my heart.  

Go out of your way to be nice to someone who, while not a close friend, is certainly a colleague or contact it will pay to have on your side. What you do for them now they will happily do for you later on in the year.

Do you have a romantic evening planned for tonight, Libra? If so, it's likely to turn out to be all you'd hoped for. You'll be especially attractive, and your naturally warm and loving nature will be very apparent. Even casual encounters with friends may bring about closer bonding, and new acquaintances are likely to become friends. Your communicative skills are good now, and people will likely respond to you. Go for it!

Your social life picks up as the Sagittarius moon aspects relationship-oriented Venus, darling Libra, nudging you to make connections and rub elbows. This energy is also perfect for organizing group events, so be sure to think ahead when it comes to securing weekend plans. Go where you feel supported when the Nodes of Fate stir this afternoon, highlighting the more positive dynamics in your life. This energy could also lead to exciting developments within matters of the heart, marking the perfect excuse to flirt or discuss romantic connections. Tap into your spirituality and look for signs from beyond later today when Jupiter activates.

We will see if I get any signs.  :)  Where my words and actions will take me.  Lots of rearranging to do after what I did to get ready for the now aborted furniture move.  Have a good Wednesday.  

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