Saturday, July 13, 2024

Well that was a day :)

I am just beginning to review the day - yesterday.  Started the day on my walk and stopped by when I saw sister #1 and gentleman caller on the deck overlooking the river.  Talked a bit then kept walking.  Then 1:30 p.m. pool.  Then back and forth with a moving company to see what the damage would be to move some items to son who is getting ready to furnish his downstairs unit of his duplex.  I thought what the heck, so couch, DR table, the microwave I was gifted but never opened, 4-6 storage bins, queen size bed.  The numbers felt right to me, son said OK "if you are sure you don't need them", so I will wait for contract and see if I can still live with it.  I did look up the company and reviews seemed good.  Recommended by a speaker at one of the EOLDs.  Betty's BrigadeCompany name  I will see how it develops but it will get me cracking on the closet.  Then sister #4 arrived.  The airbnb across the street is so cute!  Not as fancy as sister #1's but great.  So then she and I went to pool.  ABC pizza for a sandwich for her after.  Then down to sister #1's when she got back from her first reunion activity.  Then all 3 of us walked back to Main St.  Gentleman caller wanted some ice cream delivered.  :)  I then proceeded to crash!  Wanted to read more of the book family friend gave me, but one page was about all it got through.  :)  The Lion Women of Tehran.  

Did listen at some point to the latest Completed Life podcast.  Got an email that it has just dropped.  Incredible.  Sent it to my TX friend still on the Cape in her sister's camper.  Don't think I will see her this trip due to the COVIDs.  I also wrote to two of the doulas I was talking with.  

I shared with TX friend:  "Coincidence" that this episode hit today.  Talk of readiness and recovery.  Scroll down to "listen now" if you find yourself with a quiet, thoughtful 50 minutes.  It is about MAID, but the stories around this woman's experience were moving to me.  Lots of "why" and "what now" and "we would not be here if not for this".  All good.  

As I shared with my former boss (who is one of the kindest, gentlest people I know) this morning who reached out about the death of a former co worker who had been kind to each of us:  As to memory lane - it never ceases to amaze me the amount of "connective tissue'/worlds collide moments there are in our lives if we just keep putting one foot in front of another with eyes wide open.  Never bad to be reminded of who has come in and out of our lives.  Especially you with your kindness touching SO many and me...leaving people with a head scratching "What just happened?  Everyone OK?"  😎

I have never been easy to befriend/understand.  Consistency as a virtue?  🤔  I need something for that list.  :)

All the incredible things we have experienced since sitting on that kindergarten floor!  For sure! (and luckily I did not have that grey t-shirt early in life 😎)  Thanks to your sense of adventure and connection, life happened for me in remarkable ways.  Friendship's presence - for however long - all brilliant in each freestanding standing day.  ❤️  

Take care however you round out your current adventure."  

She wrote back to say she was going to listen last night in her camper. 

So service for a high school friend of sister #4.  3 or 4 sisters plan to be there.  Waiting for sister #6 to land in time.  Then I will come back and take a swim before heading to the reunion.  Then reunion.  Sunday brunch with sisters .#6 as of right now will be spinning off today, #4 tomorrow.  Last sister to leave will be #1 on Monday...WHEW!  As I said last night to 1 & 4.  Nice having company in town but go home to my apt by myself. :)

The bigger the challenge the more you will like it over the next few days – in fact you may actually go looking for dragons to slay. You are in one of those moods when you feel the need to prove yourself, so the bigger the threat the better.

New people you meet today are likely to be favorably impressed by your manners, social skills, and, above all, excellent sense of humor. Don't be surprised if all of this brings you some new opportunities today! Your health is radiant, and you are probably looking great. This is an excellent time to plan an evening out with friends or, better yet, a romantic partner if possible.

Find gratitude for your local and online communities this morning, dear Libra, as the moon and Mercury share a sweet exchange. Remember that attitude is everything when it comes to making connections, and that a positive demeanor will help you attract higher quality companionships. Just remember to maintain healthy boundaries when the quarter moon rises midafternoon, especially if you tend to form intense bonds quickly. Now may also be a good time to check in with your responsibilities for the weekend so nothing falls through the cracks. Focus on cultivating balanced relationships when Luna and Chiron align this evening.

Let's hope that my social skills are ready for the test today.  :)  Have a good Saturday.  

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