Monday, August 26, 2024

End of swim season :/

Closed it down at the pool at 2 p.m. yesterday. Put an email together to send town First Selectman and Park and Rec Director to say thank you for the season. Last year this time I was at sister #4's post hip/stomach medical work.  Will look back two years on blog to see how I "recalibrated" post season.  Do have trip for Sept 7 weekend, wedding Sept 21 weekend.  

Yesterday - walked to Unionville.  Did run into sister #1's classmate who I met along my walk yesterday.  He and wife were at post church Farmer's Market spin then to LaSalle for their Sunday lunch.  4 p.m. and 7 p.m. DC's.  Good group at both.  Today walk mid day and ZEN DC tonight.  

Not much guidance from my look back at 2022 post pool.  I guess every year is a new adventure.  :)

Sister #1 did her sibling call.  She is still not feeling 100% but tested negative for the last couple of day. She has lots of company coming in but not until Sept 5 so plenty of recovery time.  

If you are faced with a situation that has no obvious solution today just go with the first idea that comes into your head. It could be right, it could be wrong, but at least you will be doing something positive. Doing nothing is not an option.

Today you feel in control and on top of the world. You can do anything, Libra. This would be an auspicious time to begin a new project or creative endeavor. You can't help but succeed but take care not to get in your own way. Sometimes you can be your own worst enemy. Believe in yourself and move confidently in the direction of your dreams in order to make them come true.

You'll find much value in spiritual work and introspection today, darling Libra, as the Gemini quarter moon illuminates your solar ninth and twelfth houses. This cosmic climate can open new paths toward enlightenment and peace, though the answers you seek will sprout most strongly from within. Just remember to keep an open heart and embrace love as the Nodes of Fate stir, offering support to your most valued relationships. An element of luck also comes into play, shining fondly upon your mission to strengthen or find romance. Good vibes continue to flow when Venus and Uranus align tonight, and sudden commitments could emerge.

Surprise, surprise...I might end up being my own worst enemy.  :)  Do something. Action.. Keep a good thought that I have forward movement.  Have a good Monday.  

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