Sunday, August 25, 2024

Chatting along the walk

Left the apt at 9:30 a.m.  Got home at 12:30 p.m.  Along the way I saw my PD buddy.  I am sick that I will miss his last day and the "last sign off" ceremony...maybe it is "the cosmos" protecting me.  Very emotional ceremony.  I leave town for 4 days and his ceremony is on one of those days. :/  He said he would record it for me to listen to.  Hope that happens.  His last day at work is Sept 5.  Starts at the new department Sept 16.  Saw a friend of my mother's and her husband at my Shoprite walk through and talked a bit.  Stopped at a bagel place when I saw a friend of my sister's car outside.  Stopped and talked to him for a bit.  Then JUST missed not being able to cross one of the main roads I need to cross to get home.  The Dream Ride with LOTS of motorcycles.  But the timing worked.  I got across Rt 179 and they were all past by the time I got to the crossover to get home.  Got home in time to change and get to the pool for the last Saturday - 1 p.m.  Swam for an hour then home. 

Today - walk to Unionville, pool.  4 p.m. ME/CA DC, 7 p.m. Albany CA DC.  Finish Yellowface.  

Listened to All-In yesterday.  I will be curious about the upcoming weekend post after the RFK announcement.  Yikes.  That surprised me to say the least.  

You need to choose a path and stick with it. You have chopped and changed so often in recent weeks that you are no longer sure which direction you are facing. If you don’t know your own mind how can you expect others to assist you?

The internet could feel like a toxic place this morning, Libra, as the Taurus moon squares off with Mercury retrograde. Rather than turning to your screens for entertainment, consider peeling back the layers and revealing new parts of yourself to someone special, especially when Venus stirs this afternoon. Catch up on your remaining weekend tasks when Luna aspects Uranus and Neptune, snapping you into high gear while maximizing efficiency. If you're anticipating a busy work week ahead, use this energy to meal prep and plan outfits. Peace washes over you tonight when the moon enters Gemini and aspects Pluto, putting you in a visionary and spiritually charged headspace.

The time has come for you to be more flexible in your approach, Libra. Things are changing quickly, and if you aren't prepared to change with them, you'll be left behind. Be aware of the fluctuating atmosphere around you and be prepared to make the necessary internal adjustments that help you fit in better with the external environment. Don't fear change.

I feel I am pretty on a path...No worry about meal prep or outfits in my life.  The only "prep" I have on my list is hard-boiling eggs for the week.  :)  I will look for peace and any needed internal adjustments.  Have a good Sunday.  Sad day - last day of pool.  I will look back at my blog for this time last year to see how I planned to fill my days when then happened then.  :)  

PS:  Will have to go back two years.  :)  Last year this time I was patient care in RI with sister #4.  Hip and stomach blowout situation.  

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