Saturday, August 31, 2024

Holiday weekend :)

Yesterday spoke to Virginia.  Trying to get a feel for what I should focus on going forward.  September trip to NC, wedding later in the month.  Yikes.  Lots of people, places and things.  I will take some time with my to-do list.  Son will be at the 44th Hamtramck Labor Day Festival.  Don't know of any celebrations in my area.  

Yesterday Virginia, walk, read.  

If the going gets rough this weekend you will need someone to lean on. You may be tempted to put on a brave face and soldier on alone but this is one of those occasions when you really must get assistance. All you have to do is ask.

You may get frustrated today, Libra, especially in the morning when other people's egos seem to be strong. It could be difficult to relate to people who simply refuse to accept any opinion but their own. Things should mellow out by afternoon. You'll find people start to see things from your perspective. Remain confident in your position despite the vacillation of others.

You'll have many options to choose from when it comes to social interaction, darling Libra, as the Leo moon illuminates your solar eleventh house. Community ties run deep under these cosmic conditions, and many will look to you as a beacon of joy and light. Do what you can to promote inclusiveness, and consider reaching out to any friends you haven't connected with in a while. The energy will continuously elevate as you add faces to your circle, so consider where large crowds may gather most seamlessly. You'll become aware of the divine's presence in your life later tonight when Luna aspects Jupiter.

Interesting cosmic picture.  I will see who pops in and out.  Did reach out to former school #1 football player.  Opening day for his last year of football eligibility.  :)  Will get the game on the radio later today.  

Listening to All-In as we speak.  Will see where the day leads me.  

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