Sunday, August 04, 2024

Just missed a microburst on Friday :)

Heard via PD buddy and the news, I got this side of the weather just in time.  Lots of damage in two towns I passed through on the way home - just post my passing.  As someone I ran into on my walk yesterday - we have Florida weather now.  :)

So yesterday did a pre DC and post DC walk, pool for an hour.  In my post DC walk, not sure why but I was drawn to our family bench in the cemetery up the street.  Lots of discussion in the DC about family and legacies, and the conversation from Wednesday with family friend about "we think out son in law is an alcoholic and it is causing problems for my daughter and the kids.  I just hope she can hang in their for the kids"...those kids being my stroller walking buddies.  That put me right back in the 1980-1995 part of my life...not a fun place to be.  But it got me to NC and that was life changing.  I pulled out all of my Al-Anon books and pamphlets from my Houston days.  Powerless beyond belief.  So did a bit of "little deaths, big deaths" contemplation.  

So glad the pool was the end of my day.  Today - sent my cousin a happy birthday to her mother note.  Her mother was my mother's youngest sister.  Died in 2000.  Her last request to me when I was coming up to visit her at the hospice and I was driving up from NC - "bring me some cheap cigarettes".  At that point in her life - cigarettes were not going to be an issue.  4:30 p.m. today Alameda DC.  Walk to Unionville this a.m.  Not expecting sibling call today.  Sister #1 is on the high seas in Alaska.  :)  Sister #4 has her college buddies staying with her.  Brother is at Nag's Head.  Sister #6 I am sure is working at "the tent".  Her summer job.  

NOTHING on my paper calendar for the week.  That has not happened in awhile.  July had lots of IRL stuff.  Will see where this "vacant" week takes me.  :)

There are so many opportunities available to you now that it may be hard to decide which of them to focus on. If you are smart you will choose no more than two objectives, at least one of which must benefit other people as much as yourself.

This could be one of those days in which you feel like you just can't get anything right, Libra. In an effort to appease other people, you may think you have to make some adjustments that make you feel uneasy. This uncomfortable feeling could turn into nervousness, restlessness, and eventually anger. Don't feel like you need to be the one to make any sacrifices at this time.

Try to put yourself out there as the Leo new moon rises in the sector of your chart that governs community, dearest Libra, helping you establish an identity that helps you gain positive attention. The universe is on your side when Jupiter stirs, and lucky interactions could change the trajectory of tomorrow. You'll sense an internal shift this evening when Venus drifts into Virgo and your solar twelfth house, asking you to get deep with your self-love game. Meanwhile, Mercury begins its retrograde journey, further pulling back the layers of your psyche throughout the next few weeks.

Layers of my psyche...oh boy.  :)  Have a good Sunday.  I will hope rain holds off until post swim.  

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