Monday, August 05, 2024

Well that was a good Sunday. :)

Two hour walk, one hour in the pool, two hours "in California".  Filled out the day and the rain that came post swim time cleared the air and windows open wide again with no worry about rain overnight.  Listening to PBS Newshour Weekend as we speak.  Want to listen to the "when you go to bed, when you wake up segment". Hope it shines a good light on me.  :)  Not.  Night owls "superior".  Oh well.  Too late to re-sail that ship.  :)

Another bear sighting on my walk to Unionville yesterday.  If I were a bear I would want to be by water all day too with the heat.  Sister #1 did call.  She was up early still adjusting to being on the west coast and PDT.  No other chatting except with the pool ladies.  Shared local airbnb info with one when I got home.  She is getting a hip replacement.  83 yrs old with a bit of a heart issue...Aug 28 is her date.  Her kids will be taking turns on being around during/post op.  

Need to start looking for something for my old PD boss' 65th b'day on Thursday.  I like to drop something off at the station to mark his day.  

Thinking of my brother and family's trip to Nag's Head for this week.  Might be a bit soggy.  But when you are at the beach in a big house - should not be too detrimental if the rain from the storm swings through.  

Today for me - walk and pool.  No NE FL DC.  Facilitator's birthday so she keeps that day for herself.  :)

There are so many opportunities available to you now that it may be hard to decide which of them to focus on. If you are smart you will choose no more than two objectives, at least one of which must benefit other people as much as yourself.

The energy may feel slightly spicy online and within your community, dearest Libra, as the Leo moon squares off with Uranus. Avoid drama and power struggles to rise above these wonky vibes, taking care to walk away from triggering conversations or situations. Plan on spending some time alone once you've finished the workday and Luna enters Virgo, emphasizing the need for solitude and self-care. You'll benefit greatly from some personal pampering when Venus activates, so don't hesitate to invest in luxury. Your thoughts drift toward the past when the moon and Mercury retrograde join forces tonight, but try not to overthink.

Tempers may get hot today when someone says something that pierces you to your core. Address this problem right away, Libra, instead of letting it fester through the rest of the day. The solution requires sensitivity and caring. Let the offender know that he or she has hurt you significantly, if that is indeed the case. There's no need for you to try to hide your feelings.

No DCs and no aqua fitness this week.  Challenge to me to fill the gaps.  :)  Have a good Monday.  

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