Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sister #1 pulling up stakes :)

Vancouver leg of their trip is cancelled and sister #1 and gentleman caller are headed back east.  COVID has struck another group of late.  As I have said "people" - going out among them in closed spaces is problematic.  :)  Still don't expect the sibling call today.  Travel will have them landing at their home destination at 1 a.m. tomorrow a.m. so I don't think there will be a lot of quiet time today.

Other than that notice - yesterday had me doing a split walk.  Got back just in time for the Ann Arbor DC.  Then DC, then another abbreviated walk.  Pool at 1 p.m.  Then I got writing to NC friends post their blog posting.  They wrote about aging and life post the husband's stroke.  I shared back and then wrote to them outside the blog.  Shared a couple of quotes from The Fourth Quarter of Your Life.  Which I have written about and quoted already, but THEN I stumbled on Reflections of Life and was completely taken by the Surrender video.  Beautiful.  I sent it to the facilitator of the ZEN DC.  I knew she would love it.  I will include it with my letter to the doula when she is back.  

Got my phone bill.  Up $5.  One more rate increase I should fight like sister #6 and her quarterly calls to electric, cable and phone to get better rates.  For someone who always loved a good fight on behalf of work, it is not something I am drawn to when it comes to my utilities vendors.  Oh well.  I am glad I am old.  Obsolescence is coming in hot - Microsoft 10, flip phone, cable cost, electricity cost, food cost, housing cost, UBER/LYFT out of current technology reach, my roll up windows car rattling and rolling.  It is all coming to a tipping point in a rush.  I consciously know that nothing is out of my power to do something about, but what means enough to me to do the work and spend the money?  That wisdom quote comes to mind again - "The world throws a million things at us, so we approach life as a taste-testing experience at an all you can eat buffet.  But satisfaction is born by committing ourselves to the few people, things, and experiences that matter most.  Wisdom is discerning the vital few and pouring ourselves into them.  Wisdom choses the vital few over the trivial many, and in some matters, the one over all others."  What are my vital few?

Today - 10 a.m. NY DC.  It meets on the 18th of each month regardless of the day...this timing will impact my walk to Unionville but I am thinking that timing will be altered today.  Weather, DC, walk, swim...I will see how the day plays out.  This week is the "flood" of DCs.  PA, OHIO on Monday. CA, IOWA Tuesday, EOLD Wednesday.  Massage Thursday.  Sunday 25th ME/CA, Albany CA.  Pool closes on the 25th.  Fall is on the way.  Schedule adjustments in store on so many levels.  

Disruptions are likely under the influence of the full moon but if you stay calm and ignore minor setbacks there’s not much that can hurt you. If you are involved in anything of a creative nature maybe leave it a few days before taking it further.

Do you recognize your intuition as a valuable asset, Libra? Some people do and some don't. Which group are you in? It can be easy to trust more in concrete, factual reality than in the things you can't touch, yet your intuition can serve you more than you may realize. That gut feeling you experience can guide you toward greatness and alert you to danger. Trust it more.

You'll feel eager to handle multiple tasks or projects at once, dearest Libra, but failing to ask for help where you need it could lead to bigger problems. As Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn enter a harsh t-square, it'll be more important than ever that you lean into teamwork when the burdens of your responsibilities get too heavy. It'll also be important that you check in with your health, taking note of patterns that are hindering your ability to feel great. Old faces could resurface when the sun and Mercury retrograde align, especially when it comes to your social media feeds.

Hope no one is trying to find me via social media feeds.  :)  Another thing to put on my list of things I have no attraction to engage in.  :)

Have a good Sunday.  I will see how walking and swimming unfold.  Two of my vital fews.  

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