Sunday, August 11, 2024

Took a look over town :)

Told one of the CA DC people that I would take a shot from the bench.  So I did that yesterday.  Bench has a view over the town below.  

Wandered yesterday from 9:30 to noon.  Then went to the package store to buy a bottle of prosecco for my landlord and wife.  15 years ago this weekend I moved in and their 15th anniversary at the beginning of Sept.  Then to the pool.  Then went WAY off schedule and did a load of wash.  Comforter on the bed needed washing and as I am not sure if sister #4 will be spending the night I thought that was a good incentive.  Now I will have to put some thought into whether I skip my Tuesday load of clothes washing.  One load a week is my limit.  :)  

TX friend called to check in.  She and her husband are working on re-doing two of their bathrooms.  She is off to babysit her grandson on Tuesday.  

Today is ice cream social and an extra hour of time that the pool is open.  Will head over after my walk to Unionville.  Don't expect a sibling call today - I think sister #1 is on the high seas in Alaska by now.  

I did watch most of the men's basketball game.  Curry was a name in North Carolina when I was there. 

There is an air of excitement and expectation about your life at the moment and it will increase rapidly over the next few days. The upcoming union of Mars and Jupiter in the most adventurous area of your chart will see you at your very best.

You may feel you're straddling two worlds, dearest Libra, as the Scorpio moon aspects Venus. This cosmic climate will cause you to feel highly present within the material realms, though your subconscious will be busy at work to uncover buried truths. Notice if your mind begins to float away, as your psyche could be drawing attention to important matters. Starting off the day with a journaling session can help you sort your mind so you don't lose touch with your surroundings later. Luckily, you'll find it easier to stay grounded as the hours unfold and Luna heightens the senses.

Your imagination should be flying high today, Libra, and your creative juices flowing freely. Exceptional ideas for projects involving writing, music, or painting could pop into your head during the day. Start on one and list the others so you can refer to them later. Don't be surprised if you find your intuition increasing as well. Make the most of it all and have fun.

This week - ZEN DC tomorrow night, CA DC Tuesday, noon EOLD on Wednesday, aqua fitness on Wed p.m., Saturday Ann Arbor DC.  Will miss Lansing with aqua fitness class Wednesday.  Here I go.  Have a good Sunday.  

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