Monday, August 12, 2024

Ice cream sandwich day :)

Didn't have a pic of an ice cream sandwich, but you get the idea.  It was ice cream social day at the town pool and me and a handful of pool members got an extra hour of swim time and an ice cream of our choice - 3 choices:  sandwich, "drumstick", and I did not get to the 3rd choice since I was set on the sandwich.  So walk to Unionville, pool, ended the day watching the Great American Recipe.  Have gotten stuck on that show the last few Sundays.  Sister #4 texted me that she was staying put in RI.  She will go directly to my cousin's burial later this a.m.  I will pass. I am fighting with whether I should take my very short shopping list to Shoprite today instead of tomorrow.  We will see if I am drawn there.  Especially since I got up even earlier than usual today.  

Returned The Dictionary of Lost Words to the library on way to pool yesterday.  Started The Sum of Our Days last night.  It was interesting to me that she opened the book referencing that every Jan 8 for 25 years she started a book.  On January 8, she got a phone call that her beloved grandfather was dying in Chile, and she couldn't go back to say good-bye. In her grief and frustration, she began writing a letter to him, a spiritual farewell, and this letter turned into her first novel.  From the wide world internet.  

Today ZEN DC.  It has been a month.  Second DC of July was cancelled.  Other than that - walk, swim and possible Shoprite.  

Tech email arrived yesterday.  Summer vacation over.  I will share with son when he gets back from festival.  But what caught my eye - DIY Solar Panels, a $1,700 ROOMBA - which I mentioned to son.  But now that I am looking at the email again...CA DMV using the blockchain - what could go wrong with that.  And Mark Cuban’s success driving down prices for consumers and alleviating drug shortages with Cost Plus Drugs continues to inspire. And, his crusade against PBMs will hopefully prove successful. While the Internet has pulled the curtain back on many complex industries that price discriminate (while simultaneously increasing the ability for others to collude against consumers, e.g., witness the recent FTC probe into surveillance pricing), digitalization has been slow to impact healthcare to date. Cuban’s tactic to enable a healthcare cost revolution is deceptively simple: transparency.  It won't happen in my time, but I do hope there is a healthcare revolution.  

Not everyone will be happy with the events of the next few days but you will be delighted in that you have been bored with a lack of movement in recent weeks and can take advantage of the chaos and confusion to get your life moving again.

Don't be surprised if sometime during the day you feel angry for no apparent reason, Libra. It's probably rooted in the past, from a situation that wasn't resolved long ago. Take a good look at what's going on today. Did some person or event awaken old traumas within you? Let them and the anger go. This can only benefit you and clear the way for more positive emotions.

As the Scorpio quarter moon rises, so too will your desire to take things slow. However, be sure to spend your leisurely hours wisely, sweet Libra, as procrastinating with your electronics won't provide you with the reset your heart and mind crave. Instead, look for opportunities to connect with your senses and surroundings, especially when Chiron activates midafternoon. If it's been a while since you found physical alignment through self-care, this cosmic climate will accentuate your need to find harmony. Give yourself space to release any thoughts or feelings that aren't serving you and use unconventional means when Luna and Uranus face off tonight.

Hmmm...we will see where this week takes me.  Getting guidance to not be too full of myself this week.  Oh boy.  "No judgment Wednesday".  :)  Have a good Monday.  

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