Friday, September 20, 2024

Here goes nothing :)

Niece's wedding on the horizon.  Spoke with son yesterday.  Figured out the logistics of this afternoon...balance is TBD.  :)  Balance of yesterday - packed, walk, went up to visit swimming lady who had the hip replacement.  All looked in order.  I forget people "have people" even after daughter left, she has a regular cleaning lady so the things that challenged sister #4 - no problem in this household.  Last night Cape Cod DC started up after their summer hiatus.  

Today, will leave around 10 a.m., head to the hotel and wait for son to arrive at the transit center nearby.  I will see where the rest of the day leads me.  Rehearsal dinner then back to the hotel for me.  Son plans on sticking around for the welcome party.  

You may be in tune with the spirit of the times but how can you make it pay? With the Sun and Venus about to change signs you must be more adventurous in your thinking, and less inclined to look at making money as something dirty.

The Aries moon squares Pluto before entering earthy Taurus this morning. This energy may cause you to feel sluggish upon awakening, sweet Libra, so give yourself plenty of time to wake up fully. Fighting fatigue will be necessary when the sun and Neptune face off, so consider stretching and reaching for a healthy snack before pouring an extra cup of coffee. The more you invest in establishing healthy habits, the sooner you'll feel refreshed. Focus on what you must let go of in order to reach your highest potential when Luna blows a kiss to Mars this evening.

Your values could oppose those of a business or romantic partner today, Libra. One of you may be overly pragmatic and the other too idealistic. One seems callous, while the other seems to be living in a dream world. This could be a milestone in your relationship if approached properly. If you can't create a win/win situation, perhaps you should reconsider the partnership.

Will try to replace trepidation with acceptance today.  All will be as it should.  Keep me in your thoughts.  It is only 3 days...  Have a good Friday.  

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