Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Wednesday before family wedding :/

Conversation with Portnoy as part of All In Summit.  Interesting start to Wednesday.  Yesterday I did wash clothes, moved up the apt cleaning and lots of incense burning and diffusing.  1 p.m. CA DC, 7 p.m. IOWA DC.  In the early morning, I sent my word work to PD buddy who started with his new force on Monday but ended up with Tue and Wed off.  So he asked me what my walk schedule was and I said I was off to Shoprite first then walk.  As I walked the aisles at Shoprite, he popped in and said he would swing by to walk in a few.  So great walk post Shoprite.  He shared that he is no longer with the girlfriend, daughter got her parking permit at high school so she can get herself and brother to school which really helps in his new job.  He is happy, girlfriend is sad and moved to her parents' home.  He is keeping the apartment in my town.  

ROV contacted me and said he wanted to give me first dibs on what job I wanted for Election Day.  Tabulator Tender.  And I gave him the days I did not want to work during Early Voting.  But that left 8 days I could work.  He will start working on the schedule.  Sister #4 emailed finally.  She is still working on schedule for the weekend.  She and I will share a room on Saturday night.  I will stay with son on Friday.  I did some packing.  Driving so have more flexibility to just throw bags into car rather than backpack only from flying.  Reached out to Tarot lady to see if she has an opening on Sept 24, 25. 

Decided that I will go to LaSalle to get a treat for Thursday visit with one of the swimming ladies.  Hip replacement at 83 years old...will see how her recuperation compares with sister #4's last year.  

Today walk with family friend.  Noon EOLD.  NY DC at 7 p.m.   

It’s not like you to be impatient but the current eclipse will make it hard not to get annoyed with people whose minds move far too slowly for your liking. But why get upset when you know they are not going to change? Strive to stay calm.

Get your thoughts in order by prioritizing harmony and love, dearest Libra, as the Pisces moon connects with Neptune and Pluto before entering Aries. Themes around romance also come into play while the stars nudge you closer to your heart's desire. Just try not to become overly distracted by internalized fantasies or fears when Mercury opposes Saturn, which could skew your version of the facts. Issues could also arise if you become absent-minded at work. Focus on self-care when the nodes of fate and Mars activate, staying on guard for red flags that indicate someone isn't respecting your boundaries.

You may find people very stubborn today, so take care, Libra. Arguments can explode out of nowhere, so have your helmet ready. Think before you act and don't feel pressured to get involved in something that makes you feel uncomfortable. Remember that it's OK to just walk away. No one will win the boxing match, so don't even get in the ring.

Have a good Wednesday.  I will strive for calm  I feel focused and supported and want to carry that into the weekend that is challenging my spirit.  

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