Monday, September 23, 2024

Well that was a start to the day...

Got to the event and got home, but at 11 a.m. when 3 sisters and I were checking out, they all headed to the Cape, me home after hanging out with son for a bit before he headed to the airport...Went to the car which I had not touched since I parked it on Friday.  NOTHING.  No clicking, no nothing.  Dead as a doornail.  Luckily sister #1's gentleman caller was there and sister #4 is fully car equipped with jumper cables so car started and I did not turn if off until I got home at 5 p.m.  :)  Son and I went to the beach and sat by the car (with it running) and talked, then I dropped him off at a sports bar so he could watch some football before he went to the transit bus to get him to the airport.  He texted me at 4:41 p.m. to say he was on the bus to Logan.  He said a couple of time when logistics were discussed as to how the cousins got to and fro from all the activities.  My son said piece of cake, everyone is speaking in English.  

So the places we visited over the weekend.  Doubletree Hotel in department was there on Sunday a.m. to address a stuck elevator, sister #1 had leaking shower, in my room 2 with sister #4 had a clogged drain, the aftermath of the event they had in the ballroom...yuck.  My lobby sitting area was not as inviting on Sunday a.m. as it was Saturday.  Plymouth-Brockton bus company was great in getting 2 cousins to and from Logan.  Jet Blue took care of son.  The Parrot in Hull for the rehearsal dinner and Welcome Party.  Very nice.  It would have been SPECTACULAR if we did not have side ways rain and gale force winds...  Wedding at Red Lion Inn...everyone raved about it.  I was not as enthusiastic but just not my style.  Talking to sister #6/mother of the bride - we had to ask where my son got his fun and fashion genes.  :)

Son was a big hit with his Steve Harvey-esque suit.  He makes connections with people in a very opposites attract way.  I loved the picture people showed me from his "insta".  At the end of the night at the wedding venue - "Last Cousin Standing" - him in the stairwell that led down to the lower level where the after party was held.  Sunday after we got the car going we spent time having a great talk by the beach.  What a guy.  

So now I am finally past the "after the wedding" timeframe.  Today - battery this a.m., ZEN DC tonight.  Tomorrow - Shoprite, CA DC at 1:00 p.m., Tarot card reading after.  Wednesday EOLD.- Omega House Network discussion.  Massage Thursday!!!!!  Virginia on Friday.  Son had not responded to her email but will now that he made the connection with who it was.  I did tell her to go text rather than email.  I think he only opens the emails from me.  Saturday LA CA DC.  

Honesty is a must today, especially when dealing with matters of a financial nature. Friends and family members will gladly help you out if you are a bit short of cash but don’t make excuses about why you need their assistance. Tell them the truth.

You may be too demanding of yourself this morning, dearest Libra when the Gemini moon and Saturn square off. Though you'll be eager to hit the work week with gusto and enthusiasm, remember to ask for help and embrace teamwork when tasks begin piling up. You'll also want to curb expectations around perfection and avoid juggling too much at once. A rush of good vibes surround you when Jupiter activates midafternoon, bringing major luck to your aura. Take a chance for what you want, reaching a little further than you usually would. Embrace softness to find healing when Chiron stirs this evening. 

You could go over your accounts today and find that there's considerably less there than you thought. It isn't serious, but it can still be disappointing. There could be a new contract in the final stages of negotiation that will prove favorable, and you can find a way to make up for the shortfall. In the meantime, cut expenses so finances stay healthy until the new contract materializes.

I guess the cosmos is getting a whiff of what this wedding weekend cost and the dead battery...oh well.  No dire straights yet.  Have a good Monday.  

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