Sunday, September 22, 2024

Here goes nothing - Day 3 - shutting down :)

Last wedding bells pic!  Well the event family has been thinking about for a year is now in the books.  It was way too much for me, but that list of things is extensive.  I can't wait to get home.  Do have a hurdle of easing my mind about son getting to Logan and then back to his home turf.  It is a late flight out.  The weather has made the day at the beach type activity we had thought about...not so attractive.  Brother and SIL just passed me on their way to car and airport.  5:38 a.m.  I am in my hotel morning spot - lobby.  Sister #4, my roommate last night, is still sleeping.  

Well yesterday was a hurry up and wait kind of day.  People deciding how to fill the day until the first shuttle headed to the wedding venue at 4 p.m.  I was on the first shuttle back at 10 p.m.  Everyone was very happy with the event.  I had a bit of mental snag thinking about the financial aspect, but not my money so not my issue.  I wish wedded bliss to the couple.  

Today son and I will be the last to leave the area.  I would have loved to be home at 4 p.m., but I will be home by 7 p.m.  

I will reset my mind and body starting tomorrow.  I did get on the treadmill for an hour yesterday, but that is not what makes me me.  :)  

As the sun moves into your sign your confidence will soar and you will be happy to take on tasks that you previously thought were too risky or too much of a challenge. Don’t get carried away though: you have limits like everyone else.

It would help if you woke up feeling spiritually refreshed and connected to your intuition, dearest Libra, as the moon enters Gemini and your solar ninth house. Good vibes continue to flow once the sun enters your sign, marking the beginning of fall and your birthday season. Life will seem more evident throughout the next month as the stars push you to prioritize your agenda. Remember that it's okay to be a little selfish from time to time, especially when you give so much to others. Watch out for disharmony at home when Venus squares Pluto before entering Scorpio, and consider bringing everyone together over a tasty meal. 

This weekend’s stressful square between your ruler, amiable Venus, in your sign and intense Pluto could trigger turbulent emotions that affect your home life or cast a dark cloud over your previously pleasant vibe. Stay on top of your own mood swings so you don’t lash out and do damage to a relationship. The biggest news of all this weekend: The vibrant Sun rockets into Libra on Sunday, kicking off your personal reinvention tour, which lasts until October 22. You’re motivated to launch missions that foment your personal growth in various areas. The possibilities are endless. Let the explorations begin!

I will think through my personal reinvention tour  :) ...once I get home and once I know that son is safely home.  Have a good Sunday.  

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