Wednesday, October 09, 2024

New railing - sisters like the new look and "lift assist" into my apt.

My front stoop has a new look.  :)  All the other entrances on Main St had some railings on the stairs.  Glad they are there for the winter.  One more thing to hang on to - on/off the sidewalk.  :)  They still have the stairs to contend with but they like the railings.

Yesterday was an interesting day - starting to get ready for TX friend coming to stay the night before her other sisters arrive on Thursday and they move into their hotel.  Memorial service for one of their family friends on Saturday.  Moving out of my room.  Will walk, noon EOLD, 5-ish p.m. arrival, figuring out where to get food for gift and I will hope to get to Lansing DC.  We will see how the day goes.  

Talked to son.  His house was broken into.  He installed a ring camera yesterday.  Kicking himself for not having it before.  Then later in the evening his buddy from Tarpon Springs called.  He said it is going to be bad, but his is a Coast Guard kid so with his father's travels he was near a lot of water/storm events.  His wife is a life long Tarpon resident.  Sad that this storm is taking people's eye off NC.  So sad on too many fronts for me.  

The harder you try to get something finished today the more you will find yourself held back by people who do not share your sense of urgency. Maybe they’re right though, maybe there’s no need to be in such a rush to get it done.

Invest in your home life and private affairs throughout the day, darling Libra, as the moon enters Capricorn and your solar fourth house. Remember that family is what you make it, permitting yourself to set boundaries with some companions while pulling others closer. Listening to your own needs will also be vital when riding these cosmic tides, which could cause you to feel more emotional than usual. Hurts from the past could resurface later this afternoon when Luna squares off with the nodes of fate. Resist the urge to soothe these wounds alone, reaching for companionship as a way to find comfort. 

Changes may be taking place on the home front, Libra, perhaps unexpected repairs or someone moving in or out. Your household could seem frenetic and disorganized until the dust settles, which doesn't sit well with your love of peace and quiet. Whatever needs to be done is best accomplished one step at a time, with your mind focused on the results. It will help you stay sane!

Thinking hard about what son's buddy shared last night.  But need to focus on getting through today.  Get moved out of my room into the office.  Did run dishwasher Monday, darned some more socks, washed clothes yesterday, will clean apt today.  Landlord is back so I will calm down my incense/diffusing.  :)  Did not get up until 5:30 a.m. today so "behind schedule".  Better get cracking.  :)

Have a good Wednesday.  

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