Thursday, October 10, 2024

No company last night

Texted at 8:30 p.m. and TX friend was reminded that the text she thought she sent did not get sent...  :)  She met up with a friend for drinks and ended up staying at our family friend's house which is closer to where she was.  I moved back into my bedroom and hit the sack.  :)  We will meet up for breakfast after she meets up with her friend for a walk before he heads to work.

Yesterday for me, cleaned apt, noon EOLD, Lansing DC.  Even without company, it is always good for me when I have to clear my office.  A couple of things get thrown out.  

Watching 10 Tampa Bay news.  Nothing from Tarpon Springs yet that I can see. 

Today breakfast out.  Walk.  Friend has airport pick ups to make of sisters.  Then they will all move into hotel.  More family members will come in for memorial on Saturday.  

Don’t let it worry you if something you have been working on diligently for the past few weeks has to be put aside for a while. There is something else that must be dealt with first and your original venture won’t suffer because it has to wait.

Embrace self-maintenance by focusing on your health and wellness needs this morning, Libra, while the Capricorn moon and Saturn align overhead. Your emotional state will tell you much about what you really need under this afternoon's quarter moon, so try not to silence your heart. You could hit an energetic wall midafternoon when Luna and Mars face off but don't feel guilty about unloading on others or rescheduling specific duties for another time. Watch out for relationship drama this evening when Chiron becomes agitated. Have the patience to hear your counterpart out, and let love win once Venus stirs. 

Today you might decide to tackle your financial paperwork and get it all done. This is a great day for that, Libra, although you might be a little too ambitious and not get as much done as you'd like. This is a good time to make use of any writing talent, because ideas could be coming to you thick and fast. Expect many of letters or phone calls in this busy and stimulating day.  

Don't worry, embrace self-maintenance, writing, have patience.  Maybe some time just sitting by the river in the sun (I think she is going to feel chilly today around here) and then take a walk.  Whew.  Good cosmic guidance for me today.  Pancakes or eggs/bacon is my big breakfast decision today.  :)  Have a good Thursday.  

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