Tuesday, November 26, 2024

2-5 miler walks day yesterday :)

Had to smile after listening to a very tough voicemail, when I looked up at my computer it was 3:33 p.m.  Can't make this stuff up.  And another counter balance was the phone call with my son.  He is really doing it up for our trip.  Picking him up at the train station in New Haven will be our first leg of the adventure.  Walked with family friend in a.m.  Walked again later in the day.  It was nice out and it was perfect that I was outside walking and talking to son.  I am always better in motion.  :)

Today CA DC at 1 p.m.  Walk before.  Shoprite and run dishwasher before that.  Since I am home this week instead at sister's in VA, I do need to do some shopping but trying to leave as little food behind as possible for when I leave next week with son.  Need to go to Shoprite early and family friend already warned me that the shelves were a bit bare.  Then I will do a load of wash.  

Putting the storm windows in place yesterday really did cut the street noise and "breezes" coming into the apt.  Leaving the one in the bathroom for the landlord.  I do not like the look of the window that the screen is currently holding in place in that room.  Looks like the glass is not totally secure.  I don't want to be the one who sends it into the walkway if I try to remove screen insert.  :)

Try not to give friends and colleagues the impression that you are being pushy over the next 24 hours. You may have a very good reason for wanting things done one way and not another but they are unlikely to respond well to coercion.

You'll need to make good on your word today, darling Libra, as the sun aligns with the nodes of fate. Demonstrating that you stand by your statements can help you make significant gains socially and within matters of the heart. Meanwhile, Luna continues her journey through your sign, aspecting Jupiter later this afternoon to expand your reach while offering an extra dash of luck. Emotions could flare when the moon squares Venus and opposes Chiron, and you and your loved ones may require some additional nurturing. The day closes out with an elevating alignment between the sun and Mars, helping you make new connections over shared passions or interests.

You're obviously struggling with something big, Libra. Recent comments about your irritability are well founded. But don't worry. They'll forgive you eventually. In the meantime, do what you can to control your temper. It stems from your current fears, which seem to be multiplying exponentially. Blame the situation on the planets and accept it as a lesson on the path to self-realization.

Here is to being present and calm at the grocery store.  :)  Have a good Tuesday.  

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