Monday, November 25, 2024

Change in plans

Plans for travel for Thanksgiving in VA have been cancelled.  I will hang around home.  Glad I did my screen-to-storm in my windows yesterday.  It was getting a bit breezy.  :)  Niece and sister #6 might swing by on Friday.  We will see if sister #4 comes by.  Will have to see how to put the rolls and cranberry sauce I bought to use.  

Yesterday - went to Shoprite for my items.  Stopped by hardware store to have extra key made for apt.  Not sure if sister #4 wanted to come up while I am traveling with son and her high school friend had her NY Day gathering.  Then went on the walk at White Memorial Conservation Center with Joyce's group.  Quite the place.  Then lunch at Bohemian Pizza.  They had the fireplace going so I came home smelling a bit smoky.  Long time since I have been in a place that had a wood burning fire going.  Then home for ME CA DC and then Albany CA DC.  

Plan for today has changed up now that I am not off to RI tomorrow and VA on Wednesday. 

The week will start at a frenetic pace and as the days go on events will get ever more challenging. Colleagues and rivals may find the pressure too much to bear but you will thrive on it. You are at your best when the heat is on.

Everything comes up roses for you today, sweet Libra, as the moon drifts into your sign. A supportive connection with Pluto empowers you as a creative person, and investing in friendships can boost your confidence even further. A web of connections forms when Luna enters a rare kite formation with the sun, Mars, and nodes of fate, making it an excellent time to network. When it comes to matters of the heart, this energy is fantastic for organizing a gathering with your friends and someone special. If you're currently on the hunt for romance, consider asking a friend to set you up or firing up your favorite dating websites. Just avoid the temptation to return to failed relationships when Mercury stations retrograde this evening.

You may be a bit oversensitive today, Libra. It's possible that you will be irritable and conflicted as you begin to suspect that long-term projects may not be finished. The time has come to take stock. There is likely a good reason that you've been unable to complete that project you undertook several months ago. Advice from others should steer you in the right direction.

Frenetic and conflicted.  T'Day cancellation is a bit off putting.  I will see what I hear from others today.  Keep a good thought that I get "steered".  :)  Have a good Monday.  

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