Saturday, December 07, 2024

Day 1 - planes, trains and automobile :)

PD buddy got us to the airport in style in his new Range Rover.  Then a flight to Detroit.  LAST row.  Son's late check in "trick" did not quite work.  But short flight.  Staying at Element Detroit at the Metropolitan.  Went to Michigan Central Train Station event last night.  Today some holiday trolley type of thing.  Then dinner with another friend of son.  

I am worn out a bit right now.   We leave again on Monday.  Won't be warm but warmer than what the last week has brought in CT and MI.  But no snow on ground here.  The west side of Michigan versus east side.  That lake event snow is a real deal.  :)

Waiting for the breakfast to open up downstairs.  Son picking me up around 10-ish.  

Venus, your ruler, moves into the most dynamic area of your chart this weekend and then makes a stunning union with Pluto, planet of passion. Approach everything you do with 100 per cent effort and 100 per cent self-belief. You cannot possibly fail!

Your body will demand more attention today, dearest Libra, especially if you've been physically storing emotions in the hopes that they will go away. Take some time to pamper your physical self while allowing feelings to flow. You'll have the power to enter others when Venus and Pluto unite in your solar fifth house, especially when you are authentic and openly display natural gifts. Have conversations with the universe when the sun opposes Jupiter this afternoon, and you may be shocked by the response you get. Stay true to your healthiest nighttime routines when Luna squares Mercury rx later tonight. 

Something underhanded is going on, Libra. Unethical people could be trying to manipulate certain situations in order to turn them to their own benefit. Be careful! Steer clear of any "political" conversations, and refrain from commenting on any situation or listening to gossip. On the positive side, your intuition is sharp, so you should be able to sense the trustworthy.

Here we go.  Listening to All In as I wait to go downstairs.  Have a good Saturday.  

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