Sunday, December 08, 2024

Day 2 - feels like I have been away from home for more!

Belle Isle for Day 2 among other stops.  Dinner with a couple of son's friends.  Today we might be on the people mover around the city.  Lunch at the pizza place son's friends own and he works at times.  Then to the location where the sandwich food truck that he helped get going is set up later today.  Tomorrow off to AZ...  Do need to think about making travel plans to get back home.  Had left it open when trip started, but do need to get myself home.  Would traveling on New Year's Eve day be cheaper, more available...will have son start researching. 

Great visit with another person son has volunteered help to in the past.  Bead Museum in Detroit.  Inspirational guy as we talked about culture, power of connection.  Beads being part of so many cultures for millenniums.  

Your optimistic mood is such that you could easily overdo it and take on challenges that eat into your time and energy more than you expected. Be selective about what you commit yourself to. This is one of those occasions when less can be more.

Your inner perfectionist will be triggered by a cosmic union between the Pisces moon and Saturn, dearest Libra, which could kick off a busy Sunday. If you feel motivated to do so, use this energy to catch up on chores and plan for Monday's arrival. Lucky breaks find you when Luna aspects the sun and Jupiter, though a fear that something is too good to be true may cause you to pull back. Approach change through bite-sized portions if you're worried about upsetting the balance when the moon forms a supportive connection with revolutionary Uranus tonight. 

 If you've been thinking about a job change or even a new career, a chance interaction could provide the opportunity. However, Libra, remember, "If something seems too good to be true, it probably is." Get the facts as clearly as you can. Consider all the ins and outs before committing yourself or getting too excited about it. If you still want to pursue the opportunity, go for it.

Approach change through bite-sized portions...keep a good thought for that.  21 days ahead where I will need to be present, open and flexible.  Have a good Sunday.  

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