Yesterday - turned heat on, sent landlord a list of things he could take a look at while I am gone. Confirmed that all the baseboard heat units work except for the bedroom that I don't know about because the on/off dial has not be intact since I moved in so I have never tried it. Went for morning walk with family friend and made a date for pancakes in January at New Hartford Diner when I get back. Also had a thought about something for the town Sr Center. "What Keeps You Up At Night?" Get a whiteboard or area to pin up a note for people to write down things. Why have a bunch of people trying to solve things individually when a group might have a stronger voice or finding people in town who could give guidance or advice to many at one time. I will put more thought to that.
Snowplows started at 3:30 a.m. this morning. I will go out and shovel once it is light. SOOOO glad that my cousin in her CRV is handling transport from NH train station to my town this afternoon. No precipitation in southern part of state, plowable snow here. But not an all day event as to snow.
Put off running dishwasher and washing clothes till today now that it will be a later in the day arrival for son.
If you hear something you were not supposed to know about today you can and you must use it for your financial advantage. The fact that someone was stupid enough to give the game away is an invitation to be smart and make it pay.
Love all versions of yourself, sweet Libra, as the Aquarius moon aligns with the nodes of fate and Mars. Understand that your path is a series of tiny evolutions, showing compassion to past representations of yourself that you might not completely understand anymore. The important thing at the end of the day is to create a life in which you can love and be loved. If you need to reclaim your fire, connect with an artistic outlet and temporarily release your cares. You'll feel clearheaded and optimistic about the things you can and cannot change when the sun, moon, and Mercury rx activate later tonight.
This kind of strange day doesn't come around often, Libra. It will seem as though you no longer know what you want. Do you have a yen to take off for the other side of the globe? People won't understand you, and you will think that explaining yourself is pointless. The best thing to do may be to unplug from your usual activities and go for a walk. You have nothing to lose.
"Series of tiny evolutions", "strange day" - I will hope all the new awareness will come...and a bit of the financial advantage. :) There will be lots of post trip financial "situations" to address in Jan 2025. Jan 2019 was the last trip I took like this - with my travel concierge son. I got home safe and sound from that. Send good thoughts my way that I can unplug and enjoy!
Today - shovel, walk book back to library, wash clothes, run dishwasher...figure out what to do for dinner for cousin and son. Have a good Thursday.
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