Saturday, January 11, 2025

Put my walking shoes back on yesterday

Wind died down, temp above freezing.  Walk with family friend, tea at corner coffee shop, another walk to library to re-stock.  Dinner invite from family friend for tonight with her husband, daughter and SIL.  Morning pancakes again yesterday.  I wonder what I will get as a treat now when I go out for breakfast at a restaurant.  :)  Have some writing in mind for today.  We will see if my energy takes me in that direction.  TX friend called.  She is sending me a new parka.  She bought it a couple of years ago.  Doesn't get much use.  ANOTHER package arriving at my door step.  Very interesting addition to my post vacation re-entry week.  

ANOTHER increase from COMCAST in January bill...I really need to put my big girl pants on and change up my viewing options.  They really do prey on people of low tech ability and without any sounding board to discuss options.  Awful company.  Sort of like the car insurance people socking me with increases as my driving goes down and down.  COMCAST just keeps piling on people who do not fight back and have the lowest usage rates.  It is on me to do the work, but why should old people have to keep fighting for fairness?

Today walk, dinner.  Supposed to be nicer out today.  Fingers crossed.  No overnight snowflakes as forecast.  

Some strong emotions are beginning to stir and you need to be ready to deal with them. Where affairs of the heart are concerned you can and you must be aware that your own words and actions can have far-reaching effects, both for better and worse.

The time has come to reassess your habits and routines, dearest Libra, as the north node enters Pisces and the south node debuts in Virgo. The following year and a half will be critical for your personal development as the stars ask you to shed behaviors that may be hindering your health or productivity. Prepare for this cosmic climate by reflecting on how you want to improve, emphasizing the importance of wellness and living your best life. Ask the universe for additional help or guidance when the Gemini moon aspects Neptune and the nodes this evening. Bring more structure to this agenda once Luna enters Cancer later tonight. 

 If you've been aiming for a specific career goal, Libra, it might suddenly manifest with the current planetary energy. You could be catapulted into the public eye in some way. The possibility of an increased income could arise, although it might be speculative at this point. Your mental energy continues high, so you should be able to easily grasp all the ins and outs of your situation.

I will hope the universe does chip in with some tips.  :)  Someone won the $10M CT lotto last night, but not me.  And no dishwasher job opening.  I guess I should look for a sweet spot somewhere in between lottery winning and dishwasher job.  Perhaps?  Have a good Saturday.  

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