Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Dentist or no dentist...question of the day :)

Think I am going to have to put on my big girl pants and address the teeth.  Oh well.  

Yesterday - returned my first Locke book.  Started More or Less Maddy.  Next time I talk to sister #4 I will ask her if she knew the author at her alma mater.  I am almost half way through the book as of this a.m.  Went for a chilly walk yesterday.  Today SHOULD be a warmer one.  We will see.  Plan for today is to call the dentist.  Go to Shoprite. Don't need much. Walk up to Sr Ctr on the front end of my walk to see what the "talk to the Commission on Aging" people coffee klatch is all about.  

Got a postcard from a friend of sister #1. He pulled the short straw of sitting next to me when he came over for dinner when the sisters were gathered in VA.  He is too funny.  I "ranted" (surprise, surprise) about a couple of things but stayed away from my biggest rant since he is a medical doctor.  But he has focused on things that medicine that can do good.  Time with Doctors without Borders and work in clinics for the underserved in DC.  :)

Woke up and got to my computer at 4:44 a.m. today...I will keep the angel number in mind as I set up the day.  

Now that mind planet Mercury has moved into your opposite sign you won’t find it hard to let partners and loved ones know what you are thinking. But don’t give away too much information all in one go – keep a few secrets to yourself.

Iron out the fine details that will get your plans moving smoothly, dear Libra, as the Taurus moon aligns with the sun and Mars. Be open to changing course if better paths emerge, even if doing so means breaking away from what is expected. Bring more consistency to your routines to ensure success when Saturn activates this afternoon, and look for opportunities to gain support from peers. A charge fills the air when Luna and Uranus join forces this evening, which could lead to sudden changes of heart or breakthroughs within your most treasured and intimate relationships. 

 If you own your home, the value of your equity may have gone up in the recent past, Libra. Income through land or property is strongly indicated. This is likely to change your life in a subtle but positive way. This is a great time to buy or sell a home. If you're in the process of doing it now, this is the perfect time to get some of the paperwork prepared.

No property to sell.  But I will be banking - literally and figuratively - on support of my dentist.  :)  Have a good Tuesday.  

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