Monday, March 03, 2025

Good news, not so good news.

Another broken it is getting challenging.  Oh well.  Picture is of the NH cottage that is owned by the lady I had lunch with yesterday.  Good get together with her and our former boss.  Benny's was perfect.  

Other than the lunch.  Not much yesterday.  Went for a quick spin in the a.m.  But the temp difference between Sat and Sun really put me in not in the mood to be freezing.  Finished the first of the Hwy 59 series.  Need to go in and make request for #2.  That was a good "fluke" that I stumbled on Attica Locke.  

Today - return book.  Get a good walk in. 

You need to remind yourself that words can harm as well as heal, because if you come on too strong today you could cause unnecessary damage to a friend’s or colleague’s ego – and give your enemies the ammunition they need to tarnish your reputation.

Mercury's debut into Aries brings movement to your love life, dearest Libra, making it easier to connect romantically. Be vocal about what you want, initiating constructive conversations on how to make your partnerships stronger. As Luna migrates into Taurus, you'll feel more emotionally invested in cultivating intimacy and securing commitments. Just be mindful to direct some of this energy inward, focusing on ways to evolve and empower yourself. Watch out for dips in confidence when Pluto becomes agitated, bringing shady vibes to the table. Steer clear of people with jealous streaks, or you could find yourself on the receiving end of their negativity. 

Things in the love department may be looking up for you, Libra, but beware that you aren't getting pushed around. Your partner could feel the need for more freedom in the relationship, while you're hoping to find more commitment. Take it one day at a time. Don't get ahead of yourself by projecting scenarios that may not come to fruition. You're only setting yourself up for disappointment.

Will watch my words.  Looked at the emails I had written a.m. that are queued up to send at a reasonable time for recipients.  They look OK.  As to the "love" worries here on missteps.  No commitments in my life in that category.  :)  More good news, not so good news.  Oh well.  

Have a good Monday.  

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