Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Long Monday

I did get to work on time yesterday. Streets were fine - today may be another story. Started snowing last night as we went to the CCSU basketball game. CCSU WINS!!! Let's hope that "our" Blue Devils win the tournament and get to go to the "big dance".
It is beautiful this morning as I look out my window and see the snow covered trees and river.
Yesterday was an interesting day. My lamp showed up. I am glad that I no longer find the need to "fire back" when something happens. "Whatever happens today is supposed to happen" is such a calmer way to look at life than my past approach to life! I hosted the first office birthday party of 2007. I think it was a success and the fruit and cookies requested treats were well received. But I had to pass on the treats as - guess what they had for dessert at lunch?? - yup, Rice Crispie Treats. Maybe the dining hall boss reads what I write.
Late yesterday our department was invited over to meet with one of the candidates for Head of School. I was very impressed. Candidate #2 comes in on Thursday. I do wonder if we could deal with some of the elephants in the living room before the new Head comes on board, but I can't figure out who the catalyst could be to do that.
Met up with my old roommate and a consultant who is working in her office this week and we all went off to the game at Central. BUT the big treat was the consultant is from Sweetwater OK and has season tickets to OKS men and women basketball so of course knows who JameSon Curry is and is a basketball junkie. AND she said that if I wanted to go to a OKS game next year to call her and she could get me a ticket. Another nice "coincidence" in my life. She also shared with me that Oklahoma City is a made over city. My only experience I have with Oklahoma is driving from Wichita (when I worked at Wichita State) to Texas and then to Enid OK to see my ex-brother in law's family. It never grabbed me at that point, but maybe it will get a second chance if it is combined with a ticket to a basketball game. They also have tickets to the Hornets, but they will be back in NO by next year.
Missed a call from my son when I was in that meeting after school yesterday. He has been on my mind a lot the last couple of weeks - I am curious as to how his business is doing, how his performance went on Saturday night, when he is off to Florida for a visit - and on a strictly busy body mother note, any lady friends? I have to keep my "whatever is happening today is supposed to be happening" in the forefront of my mind even more when it has to do with my son. I want all his loose ends to come together in a happy and successful manner but he is only 23, soon to be 24. I was in the Peace Corps when I was that age and NOT living in the present and because of that did not take full advantage of what was shown to me at that time. I do think that my son is taking full advantage of what is being shown to him.
Today - we have Smartboard training, Power School training...I should be smarter by the end of the day...I just hope there are some left over Rice Crispie treats left over after I get smarter.
Best get moving.

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