Wednesday, February 28, 2007


This picture looks like where my mid-afternoon walk took me yesterday. I have been walking after lunch with a co-walker who is trying to get some health and weight issues under control so I have been double dipping on walks of late. It is a nice break after lunch. It is also a good way for me to learn more about the school as this co-worker has been there for 10+ years.
I am trying to get an early start to work today - have a few projects in full tilt and Memorial Chapel is today. Hope my script and program assistance = a great event. Tonight I have that returned Peace Corps volunteer event.
Not sure what the stock market activity impact is going to be. Usually there is always a drop around tax time in April, but the Asian activity is having a punch. Not a good day for people in development...
I have mailing labels to prepare, DVDs to ship, Memorial Chapel, postcard mailing to finish up, lunch, walk - busy work day. Busy day - but obvious with "lunch and walk" entry - nothing back breaking. Have a good day.

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