Monday, March 12, 2007

Blue Devlils are in the Big Dance!

CCSU vs OSU...I guess I am not the only one who needs to have its ducks in a row. I am hoping for a good game. I have my brackets - NCAA and NIT printed out and will be working on them between now and Wednesday - for entertainment purposes only.

Had a good day yesterday. My sister in law gave me a push and I did my taxes. I had never done them myself before - but not much going on financially in my life these days, so it was probably good advice. I will take another look at it before I put it in the mail.

Walked my regular walk then another hour with my co-worker. I gave her the "this is my life" walk around my town from the house I grew up in, to where I went to school, the field where we played softball, etc. I think she got a kick out of it and it was a great day. Not as warm as I had thought it was going to be, but a Spring day for sure. Dark still this a.m., but I will be happy with the extra light tonight as I walk home from Book Club.

Did not hear back from my boss regarding my Saturday morning email. We will see if she even acknowledges it before she leaves for her Florida trip. She is different than anyone I have ever worked for, but as I shared with her in my email - I am still interested in trying to make it work because I do want to stay at the school for another fiscal year if not more.

Have a good Monday.

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