Sunday, March 11, 2007

Post Family Overload Week

Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected President of the United States four times, but he never won a majority of the votes in his home county of Duchess in New York. There is something comparable going on in your personal sphere, Libra: You're getting more appreciation from outside your circle than you are from inside. Is there anything you can do about it? I think so. You now have the power to raise your standing among those in your immediate environment. Give them a vivid demonstration of what you're really worth.

March 11, 2007 -- There are some major changes taking place at the moment and, inevitably, you are worried they might be too much for you. On the contrary, you still have a lot in reserve and there is no doubt at all that you will rise to whatever challenge presents itself over the coming 12 days. In the greater scheme of things your life is unfolding exactly as it should, so stop worrying and have fun.
This was just what I needed to hear today. The warmer weather moved in this weekend, the time change will give me more evening light to work with, I have shared my thoughts with my boss (the first layer), and am very excited about is ahead. I also am thinking about getting someone to help me with my taxes as I realized that my tax person last year used the 5 yr income averaging since I went from making money to not making making money last year and I made less this year, so I want to make sure I get my "just reward" refund back from the governments - Fed and State.
I got my cleaning done on Thursday night, back into the parents....on Friday night to see sister #5 and her daughter. My niece was doing a school project about my mother winning an equestrian trophy when she was 16 (1938) so we were doing some walks down memory lane and my father - who does not normally share much - was pulling pictures and stories out of his "archives". He found a picture of our mother from when she was in high school - we have no idea where he had stashed that picture! But it was perfect because now my niece has a picture of grandma that is contemporary with the award. Now we are thinking we need to "make up" a project that allows our father to share more. We will see.
I did not have my regular walks on Thursday or Friday and almost missed it yesterday. I got up and took a package to the PO to return some stuff I had ordered online - a mistake. I am not an online orderer and should have stayed in that category, but I sent it back. I have a credit card that gives me a check each year for a percentage of what I charge each year - and I charge everything - food, gas, everything. Not a problem because I pay the balance off each month but this past year I did not spend very much so I thought for the first time I would "cash" my cash in for some rain pants and real rain jacket - I thought it would be great for Spring and something I had wanted and never had. But this company - unlike LLBean and LandsEnd - size their clothes in "real size" so I am a medium rather than a small since it gears itself to exercise and sports freaks. But unlike most, this company does not pay for sending pack exchange or returned items. I took offense to that policy and let it be known. I hope they will see my side and add the money I paid for postage to my "dividend" amount. I would LOVE to use the company name but will wait to see how they address my "request".
Besides going to the Post Office, I went to the local mall (drove not walked) to get some new reading glasses 2.25...and then I laid on my couch and listened to the radio - sports talk - until 3 p.m. March Madness Conference Tournament weekend - OKS went down, CCSU is in, we will see the rest at 6 p.m. today during Selection Sunday. I need to register with 850 The Buzz for the bracket contest. I did pop up at 3 p.m. and took my walk, went to church, long bath, and then finished my Book Club book for tomorrow's book club meeting. Not a minute too soon!
One of my co-workers is supposed to be coming over to walk today and my parents are coming to town to attend a "History of Jazz" presentation at our local high school which is known for its Jazz Band. I do not plan on going to the presentation - hate to be inside on one of our first Spring days.
I had a chance meeting in the faculty lounge at school on Friday and got talking about a history teaching position that is open. I am exploring how that might be an opportunity for me? I did share with my current "leader" that my goal for 2007-08 is to live on campus, be more involved in the broader school community - and am happy to do that from my present position or - if she would like someone more like her as her assistant - if not, let me know so I can make my goals known campus wide to see what other opportunities may be out there.
Spring is here - have a good week.

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