Friday, March 02, 2007

Good news, bad news - Rainy Friday

Rain and ice mix this morning but it is Friday. Central CT Blue Devils won last night! I am smelling the Big Dance??!! Dinner is coming together for sister #1's quick home visit this weekend. My regular reading glasses got bent out of shape, so I have a back up pair that I am not sure are the right "number" since I seem to be squinting a bit when I put them on. Might have to look for a new pair this weekend. BUSY day at work yesterday with group meeting with candidate #2 for Head of School at 5:15 p.m. to end the work day. I am glad I walked at lunch time so I passed on the night walk. Sister #3 called my cellphone as I was pulling into my parking lot, so I sat and talked to her for awhile. Looks like I am in charge of birthday cake and oatmeal cookies for Sunday. Sister #5 is bringing a sister #1 favorite - chex mix. I will head into the parents to do my cooking on Saturday and then let mother frost the cake Saturday afternoon. I am going to ask one of the 20-something's at work to show me how to text message my son about the party on Sunday. I am thinking he is in Florida, but I want to make sure he knows about the dinner in case he is in NYC.

I am going to head in early again today. Have some loose ends that I did not tie up last night. But I am going to stick with my no staying past 5 or bringing stuff home "rule". I have to keep reminding myself where I am on the work totem pole and that I am working on my non-work life!!! I did get a bit of a nudge last night when it came up during the Head interview that the residential life piece of the school life needs to be worked on...considering that is where I began my work life, it did get some juices going. I am having a challenge trying to figure out how to make a positive impression on people when my boss is such a loose cannon and alienating people on a daily basis. But with a new Head coming on - things should get interesting this summer.

Looking forward to seeing sister #1 on Sunday. Hope she does not mind that I set her up with a school day on Tuesday. My boss scheduled computer training for our staff - on Tuesday - her timing continues to be "impeccable". All my parents' six offspring will be "home" at some point on Sunday. Always an interesting day when that happens.

Near 50 degrees tomorrow. Spring is trying to break through but it is March in New England. We had an April Easter when we had snow sitting on the lawn chairs we had been sitting on outside just the day before...

Did I share that I slipped in the bath tub yesterday a.m.? Talk about an EMT's nightmare, but luckily no one had to be called and no injury except a bit of a headache early in the day. I don't think I was "concussed" - I don't know if that is a word, but they have used it on my sports talk shows. But I don't usually use Mike Golic as my language consultant.

BIG revelation yesterday that my $1 shampoo I bought at the grocery store does not have the same affect on my hair as more expensive shampoo...I used some samples of some better shampoo yesterday and my hair did not look dull and my natural curls actually had some life! I had a CRAZY thought of actually going to the hair do place and ask the lady who cuts my hair if I could buy some of her "product". She always asks, but gets my usual answer - no - so she will be surprised. But that is an MAYBE.

Got my 2006 cash back check from my credit card $90+ rather than $200+ that I usually get. Guess I HAVE been living within my new means. I used to even charge my son's tuition (I pay my credit card bill off each month) so I got some good checks when he and I were using the same credit card and I was charging tuition or even when I charged food for a growing boy. Now with just big ticket items. I guess I don't need to even say that after my $1 shampoo mention...

I hope sister #1 is not landing in Miami at the same time Anna Nicole is taking off for the Bahamas...What a world we live in.

Have a good Friday!

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