Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Is it Friday yet?

After so many weeks flying by, this week seems to never want to end. I can identify lots of reasons why I am not on my game - two weekends of limited down time, no regular exercise routine over the last week, and off my "menu" of regular eating. And I mock my parents for their routines...

Taking my sister to the airport today. Going in early to take a look at some work that sat while we were having departmental computer training. My co-workers did not get to meet my sister. When I got to the office yesterday, my hard drive decided to die. We finally got a laptop to replace it and on we went. We will see when I get a new CPU.

I am also trying to identify what else is bugging me. Not speaking out at work, income taxes not done, car needs, spring not here yet...need to work on making the list of things that are working. But first - off to work.


Anonymous said...

You are thinking too negatively!
The world works on the
Law of Attraction!
If you think negative thoughts, negative things will come to you.
Start thinking positively-
Spring will be here soon
my car is getting me where I want to go or
picture the car you want to get
Wake up w/ an attitude of gratitude!
and make a dream board and visualize the things you want for the day/week/month/year

None said...

Thank you for your thoughts. I know you are right and I will be on your side of the gratitude fence by tomorrow. I use these funks to help me formulate my next steps! So when I spiral, I spiral upward. But thanks for the kick in the web pants. You know I know that everything that is happening today is meant to happen to get me to where I need to go!