Sunday, March 04, 2007

Lunar Eclipse and The Dubliner

This was my view of last night's lunar eclipse when I was coming home from The Dubliner. I got a surprise call from my cousin late yesterday and she asked if she could come along to church with me and then go out for a drink. I said sure! After church we were going to walk down to restaurant down the street from me, but they were packed, so then we tried Casille's - that italian restaurant I recently went to- but they had no bar and 20 people waiting for a table, so my cousin ran into a guy picking up a to-go order and he said to try The Dubliner up the street. I would never had stopped in there on my own, but it will be high on my list for places to go when meeting people who would be coming from Rt 8 S to my house. I love that when that happens!

I did stop at the Post Office, then to West Hartford to make a cake at my parents yesterday a.m., took mother to the store to buy sausage for her spaghetti sauce and will go back in around noon today to see what else needs to be done before family starts to arrive. I am bringing my own broom and dustpan to do some last minute cleaning. I got home yesterday and took a walk to Ocean State Job Lots for coffee and band aids.

My teams are having some problems - UCONN, OKS - I need to check and see where Texas A&M is sitting. Today will be another tournament game for Central's Blue Devils.

Have a good Sunday.

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