Saturday, March 17, 2007

Snowy St Patricks Day

March 17, 2007 -- Venus, your ruling planet, moves into the wealth area of your chart today and will most likely encourage a more laidback approach to money and investment activities. Cash may be king in some circles but what's the point in having it all if you don't have someone to share it with? Make love your priority.
Should be thinking Green or White, but now that I know Love is my priority... I did find myself gazing on the snow plow guy and the usher at church today. Spring is in the air even if snow is on the ground. Last night I confirmed that sisters did make it to St Lucia on schedule yesterday and they woke up to the ocean breeze and I woke up to 5 inches of snow that needed to be shoveled. We have to move our cars by 10 a.m. the morning after it snows, so the plow guy can do the parking lot. I don't have a shovel, but I borrowed one from one of the tenants in return for helping shovel her out, then mine, then 3 other residents. It really was not a strain or a pain. It really does have a good feel right after a snow AND it helps that is the first (and last?) shovel-able snow of the season. My kind of winter. One of the residents who I helped was making breakfast and made up a plate for me that was a treat. Then I was upstairs for one more cup of coffee, my breakfast, orange juice AND two advil and a hot shower. Then I curled up for some basketball - and up and down 4 flights of stairs a couple of times getting my wash done - and when the OSU-Xavier game got too close for comfort, I decided to go for my walk. My cousin called while I was on my walk and she asked who won the game and I told her I do not know, but before I checked, I was going to church and pray for OSU since I have them in the final game of my brackets...lo and behold, I come home from church and OSU had won in overtime. And people say I am wasting my time going to church! After church, I saw the last four minutes of the TX A&M game and they squeaked by Louisville - another gift from god (I will use the small "g" so I don't risk being struck by lightening.) I did not have time to work the church thing on Butler and Maryland. I am being beat in my brackets by the 7th grade son of one of my sad! Oh well.
Tonight - just got out of a hot bath, now basketball and "one with my couch". Am debating about hot chocolate or a glass of wine. We will see which wins - I am leaning toward the hot chocolate. Just seems to be that kind of day.
Tomorrow in to make sure all is cleared off at my parents' house. Can't keep my father from shoveling, but I might be able to do some finish work. And I am hoping there is a piece left of the coconut cake I bought for the dinner on Thursday.
Have a good night.

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